Monday, October 19, 2009

I Don't Really Want To Know More...

I'm in the hospital stairwell, heading for the 4th floor. From somewhere up the staircase a female voice drifted down.

"Sometimes it's like some kind of yogurt, sometimes randomly like cottage cheese..."

Then a door somewhere upstairs closed, mercifully cutting off the rest of the sentence. I'll just tell myself she was discussing a new dairy product diet.


  1. Well, I don't know how the diet is working for her, but my appetite is gone.

  2. And sometimes it's like:

  3. Once I was talking with a patient (nice but demented) older lady in the hospital and asked how her infection was improving...and then she lifter her hospital gown and showed me (pharmacy school never show me stuff like that...) I think my eyes burned for a while...

    Abx pharm

  4. Oh... thank goodness I haven't had my breakfast (cottage cheese) yet.... Think I'll have Special K instead.

  5. Somethings should remain private. Now I have to decide on something different for breakfast, maybe just tea...without cream.

  6. I was eating breakfast, but I'm a large animal veterinarian so I giggled instead of gagging.

    At least she didn't mention cream of tomato soup.

    Your blog always cheers me up. Just so you know, I think some your patients own some of mine.

  7. Sounds like a job for Monostat! Just put it in like cream filling.

  8. Great. Now anytime I hear someone say anything about cream filling I'm going to start giggling.

  9. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....

    ...really wishing I could re-think the cheese I had for lunch....

    *stomach gurgles*



So wadda you think?