Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanks, But I'm Washing My Hair That Night

For those of you who missed my post on the Alzheimer's Disease Luau:

A rep for a Parkinson's Disease drug dropped off an invite this morning (I'd put it up, but it was so full of potentially identifying info that I couldn't adequately censure it without ruining the effect, so you just get a summary).

It was an invitation to attend the "Park-toberfest" celebration.


"Opportunities to mingle with Parkinson's patients and their families" (I already do this at work!)

"A local band composed entirely of Parkinson's patients" (No comment)

"Relax with other neurologists" (I'd rather have Cooper chew my scrotum off, thank you.)

"A fine selection of Bavarian beers" (I can just see this: "Haven't you had too many drinks, Sir?", "No, Doc, it's my first one. I just forgot my Sinemet dose."

I'm sure my pharmacy readers will also consider the possibility of mixing alcohol with Selegiline.....


  1. A party of Alzheimer patients... who will remember to attend?

  2. Seriously un-PC. Send a copy over to an organization that advocates for Parkinson's pts.

  3. Oh my... that is too funny!!! The visual I get from your description just would not be complete though without a wacky waiving inflatable arm flailing tube man.

  4. I've got to see the band! Do you think they could make it an orchestra? Parkinson's on strings just has a certain appeal.

    Seriously, does anyone actually go to these things?

  5. A friend and workmate of mine was trying to help his wife's parents, one of whom had Alzheimer's and the other of whom had Parkinson's. Imagine the parties they had.

    He and his wife are no longer married.

  6. All the patients will be drinking flat beer because the constant agitation will rapidly de-carbonate it.

  7. knock back a couple of stiff ones.

  8. "A band comprised of Parkinson's patients . . ."

    Oh, man, I so want to say it but it's just wrong.

  9. The band will perform a list of Mel Tillis favoritessssssss.......

  10. I think you hit the nail on the head with regards to relaxing with others in your field. As always, I can count on your for a daily dose of a blurt out laugher. Thanks Dr. Grumps!

  11. Don't worry. No one will remember where or when it is, so you might be the only ones there.


So wadda you think?