Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon, 4:35 p.m.

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a call."

Mrs. Sickandtired: "Yeah, um, I didn't get any sleep last night, because my kids were both up sick, and now I'm exhausted and have a headache and shaky all over."

Dr. Grumpy: "What's your question?"

Mrs. Sickandtired: "Do you think it would help if I got some sleep tonight?"

My inner voice: "No! I think you should stay up all night tonight, too! Stay up for the next week! Make a big pot of coffee and guzzle it! See how long you can go without sleep, and see what it does to you! Suck it up!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes, I'd try to get some rest and see how you feel tomorrow."

Mrs. Sickandtired: "Okay, thank you."


  1. People can't REALLY be that stupid, can they?

    Please don't answer that. I want to get some sleep tonight.

  2. Also Dr. you think it would make me feel better if I STOPPED slamming my forehead into my desk?

  3. Just stumbled across your blog Dr. Grumpy. And it's such a hoot.

    As far as this call...I'm trying to think of a situation where I would actually call my doctor on a weekend. I can't think of anything.

    If it isn't worth going to the ER then it can wait until office hours on Monday.

  4. You know, Dr. Grumpy if I wasn't a nurse I would honestly think that you are making this up.

    However, I am reminded daily that there are some clueless folks out there.

  5. MomNurseWife- I'm not smart enough, or creative enough, to make this stuff up.

  6. Do you just cringe when your phone rings?

  7. Of course not!

    I check the caller ID, THEN I cringe.

  8. I am a Pharmacy Tech, so I have a deep understanding of how stupid people can be. I totally agree with genlaren, who can't think of a situation that would warrant phoning a doctor over the weekend. However, we used to have a customer that allowed her child to run out of medication on a regular basis, and expect that we would call the physician on his cell phone on evenings, weekends, holidays, etc.
    I refused to do it. I told her that SHE was welcome to call the Doctor's cell phone herself and request that he call in and RX, but that there was no way I was going to bother him to cover for her irresponsibility! That made her pretty mad.

  9. Call me jaded, but this RN thought the call was going to turn into a request for drugs!

  10. People must fulfill some deep emotional need by calling you in the middle of the night, so they come up with whatever justification they can. Or, they're just that stupid.

  11. I'm sure calling you was a shorter wait than using 1-800-callanurse right now!

  12. How do you have any tongue left, after having to bite it all the time? Ugh...

  13. Oh my, lets hope that she was so tired that her judgement was off. Given your actual response to her... you don't seem so grumpy. I think deep down you're really a softy.

  14. I'd normally agree with 3Sweeties, but after reading this blog I think Dr. Grumpy (and others) might be happier if you called. If someone is going to bother him, at least let it be someone with the potential for common sense!

  15. It's 1:28 am and I am reading your blog. I have to go to work in a few hours. Should I shut down my computer and get some sleep...or do you think it is ok for me to sleep at my desk tomorrow?

    Should I take two tylenol cold pm tomorrow night instead of one - cuz one sure didn't do me any good; last night two made me sleep til noon today....

    or maybe your blog is what is keeping me awake...

    good night....

  16. I think she was looking for a second opinion.

  17. I think she was using "Dr. Grumpy said I *had* to sleep today" to her spouse or other family member-thus leaving taking care of sick kids to someone else.

    I mean, that's not selfish or anything, it is what the doctor told me to do.

  18. Her children were up all night sick? Can you imagine what the phone call to their pediatrician sounded like?

  19. >>I check the caller ID, THEN I cringe.>>

    If I know the phone number by heart it is usually not good. Speaking of which, my cell phone just rang and it's one of my crazies. Sigh. Mondays.

  20. Do these people drive cars & vote - if so, i'm seriously worried .....

  21. I think she came to my ER after she got off the phone with you.

    Poor sleep is a part of life sometimes, but thanks to drug marketing people think they should see as many doctors as possible after a sleepless night.

    Insomnia is a life-threatening emergency. Who knew?

  22. There are a few positive points.

    1) She was taking care of her kydz, not booty calling-3 day meth binging.

    2) Didn't hit you up for the Xanax or Ativan/Ambien/Vicodan cocktail.

    If people call an neurologist for stuff like this, I can't imagine what your psychiatrist friends deal with.

    LD50 Rat

  23. Sounds to me like the poor woman is lonely and wanted to talk to an adult. I wonder if she's a single mom. Having sick kids and no sleep can make you a little crazy if you don't have any help. I agree she should NOT have called. But still, I feel sorry for her.

  24. Tell her that the coffee guzzling will help her migraine.

  25. Wait a minute! When did my wife switch doctors and start seeing you?

    Just kidding. My wife wouldn't have bothered to call about that. She'd've just sent me out for a Venti double shot instead.

  26. I've called the emergency call line three times in my life, and all three times I ended up in the ER because they were pretty terrible. I can't imagine calling my neurologist on a weekend! He's an odd little man, I would be afraid of what he might do at my next appt O_o. I'm going to call him Dr. Grumpy to see if I get a response ;)


So wadda you think?