Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Dog is Stupider Than Your Dog

I ordered a bunch of books last week and they came yesterday. I opened the box and absently tossed a big sheet of bubble wrap on the floor of my home office.

This afternoon Snowball wandered in, and apparently noticed it for the first time. He went over and walked on it. And a plastic bubble popped.

Snowball leaped back like he'd been shot. He barked and growled at the bubble wrap, going into attack position, ready to lunge if it so much as breathed (it didn't).

After a few minutes of glaring intently at it, he was apparently sure he'd killed it, or scared it into submission. So he went over to walk on it again.

And a few more bubbles popped.

He leaped off it, howling in terror. Ran like hell for the far end of the house. He's now hiding under Marie's bed, shaking all over.


  1. omg...that is so cute! When my Mom's dog was a puppy...a bread roll fell from the dinner table (I have no idea how). landed near the pooch, and as if it was a fallening star...he barked at it..

  2. Dogs: now with more entertaining stupidity!

  3. I read somewhere that dogs have really bad short term memory (worse than cats do), but wow.

  4. My dog chases light beams, barking and growling. She apparently thinks they're intruders.

    I think I'd be terrified, too, if some horrible noise kept happening and I didn't know what caused it.

  5. My dog attacked a package left on the porch by UPS when I opened the door to collect it. I guess they could have used him in Troy when the Trojan Horse was delivered, but the only thing in the package at my house was a book.

  6. That is too funny!!

    I found this today:

    Maybe this puppy is a long lost Snowball cousin?



  7. That was very very cute :-)

    Word verfication: "ingst"

    Is that like angst for toddlers or something?

  8. Oh how I wish I could have been there to see it. What kind of dog is Snowball?

    This post made me smile...alot. Kudos!

  9. Theresa- Snowball is a Lhasa-Poo, allegedly.

    We got him at a rescue shelter, so nobody knows for sure.

  10. I <3 doggies. But you broke the rules of dog blog posts: there's no picture!!

  11. When my son's dog was a pup, she chased after dried dandelion heads and tried to catch airborne seeds in her mouth as they scattered to the wind. She's 7 years older and limps a bit, but it was funny to see her on a romp through a soccer field the other day almost absentmindedly but still friskily chasing after the seeds when she batted at them (and, then look at me to see if I remembered how she was.) What a gal.


  13. What?? You don't pop those little bubbles yourself? I'd fight my kids for a chance at that.

  14. One thing's for sure: can't depend on snow white (oops! its snowball) to guard AND defend your property! :p


  15. Had I seen one of my dogs react like that, I've have laughed myself to death. That truly is a dumb dog. :-)

  16. I hate to say this, as dogs hate to be laughed at, but I am having difficulty breathing after LOL at this!

  17. I'm searching for some bubble wrap right now to try this out on my pup. It's a slow day...

  18. And to think of all the money you've wasted on doggie toys.

  19. My dog Ginger is like that with anything new in the house. If we bring something in, she bark at it with all the hair on her back sticking up. If I try to show her that it's nothing, she runs away.
    Yeah! I'm so glad you own a shelter dog. I'm into them, ya know.

  20. Yeah, all of our dogs have been shelter/rescue dogs. I love them.

  21. have you tried diet coke boxes as puppy toys? my kittens *love* them. perfect attack hiding spots. ;-)

  22. My Moms permed her hair once. Went right into the bathroom and did it herself. When she came out, our dog *freaked* out on her. He was barking, growling, salivating like mad. Screaming and scared, she had to call me in from another room to get him under control. It was very hard to do. He was intent on killing her perm.

    His name was Blackie. He and Snowball would make a lovely pair.

  23. Sometimes what's as funny as Dr. G's post are the comments. Freaking our over a perm! (Only protecting his family, to be sure. So, who emerged from the bathroom?)

  24. pretty sure my dog is stupider than that. she likes to bark at her food at 2am. wakes up the whole house. she also hasn't been able to figure out how the sliding glass door works. you open the door and she walks into the glass anyway.
    my neighbor just got a pekinese/shit-zhu mix. would that be a pee 'n shit?

  25. See what entertainment you'd miss if you picked up after yourself? :)

  26. Our eldest dog is now senile. She's deaf, but she can still see and still loves us and her food. She's taken to yipping if she wants something or just feeels like doing it anytime of day or night. I am slowly going nuts!


So wadda you think?