Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy to Have Your Opinion

Apparently Happy Hospitalist was offended by my MasterCard post, and felt the need to tell his readers that I've "failed incredibly" by feeling the way I do.

When I wrote that post I figured someone would be offended by it. Just didn't know it would be you, Happy.


  1. Happy's offended by rainbows, unicorns, and pretty red balloons because they don't read ABGs as good as he does, so don't worry. I'd be more worried if Happy agreed with something I said, actually.

  2. After all of Happy's posts about how fat smokers don't deserve to share the planet with runners like him, I would think Happy would be dancing in the streets if a non-productive junky removed himself from the FREE=MORE gravy train.

    You did what you could. A bad man dies and you pronounce him. You smile at the irony. Isn't like you killed the dude.

    Seems Happy just needed something to keep up his manic blog posting schedule up.

  3. It isn't a big deal Doc Happy! Geeze. Dr. Grumpy didn't mistreat the guy- Dr. Grumpy just declared what he had always known- the DUDE WAS BRAIN DEAD!
    Dr. Grumpy- as an RN, I've got your back. Happy hospitalist is just jealous you make more money than him. ;o)

  4. Maybe it was his Dad?

    F*ck Happy!

  5. As I recall, you had the "this is potentially offensive" warning up for that post. Anyone offended after that is pretty much on his own, in my opinion.

    Apparently 'appreciating irony' is the same as 'hating' in some folks' book.

  6. I was at my old job for 16 years. One of the owners did not particularly like me though the other three did. My immediate boss had a lot of clout, so my job was safe.

    In 2005, my company was sold. My immediate boss lost his clout and I was out the door within minnutes. No severance, no thank you very much. Nothing.

    Fast forward a couple of years.

    I heard through the grapevine that the very same owner who had been gunning for me had been let go by the company who had bought us out.

    I wish no ill on the old owner and I sympathized with him being suddenly out of work, but I can tell you, I smiled for at least half an hour at that turn of events. I'm smiling now.

    Of course, the laws of Karma are strict and I am being punished for 'wrong thinking.' Old owner now has me on his mailing list: I hear from him offering assistance with a specific service every month or two...

    Haven't learned my lesson, I guess.

  7. I was going to leave a comment over there, and then decided it was just time for me to go.

    It isn't like you "let" the man die for crying out loud. You were just being human in noticing the irony of it all. If you could have, and it was within your power to do so, you would have worked to save his life.

    I wasn't bullied in school much at all, but I can certainly understand what it is to be hurt by someone, and then learn something has come around for them. Most of us understood what you meant when you wrote that post.

    It's awfully hard when there has been any past abusive situation, not to revert back to about that age, in that moment, and not feel like that kid looking out at things. We understood.

  8. If you were doing a touchdown dance and screaming "hell yeah!" after this person died, I might think that's offensive...but honestly. Is Happy fooling the world by claiming he never had an enemy in school? Give me a break.

    I wouldn't take his post seriously...especially since you have to wade through a stupefying amount of ads to read his "posts."

  9. I think Happy said it himself: he can't relate.

  10. Happy is athletic - Chances are he WAS the bully in school, as opposed to the bullied, so in this instance he is hit somewhat personally by the realization that someone might indeed smile were he to meet an untimely demise.

    Your post had a disclaimer. He shouldve put his blinders on and skipped it.

  11. All physicians are stuck ocassionally taking care of patients they don't personally like. As a jewish doctor, I've treated a luftwaffe veteran (he was proud of his service to his country), and a more than a few neo-nazi skinheads. Despicable people each and every one; but I took care of them professionally and my personal thoughts remained personal.

    As an Doctor D said above, Happy also has patients he doesn't like. We're human.

  12. Happy needs to build a bridge and get over it.

    YOU had a disclaimer.

    btw: its me peedee. I'm at the Apple store reading your blog. lol My iPhone took a shit this morning. =o

  13. I want to live in the soft, fluffy, comfy world of Happy, wherein nothing bad happens to HIM, ergo, someone else's responses to such are WRONG, because he says so.

    Privilege in a nutshell, folks.

    Ill give a crap what he thinks after he's lived through it.

  14. Nothing wrong with a little schadenfreude as long as it's not taken too far.

    I've read Happy's blog before- I quit because it was so apparent that the guy was a nothing more than a jerk full of hot air.

  15. Went over to Happy's place. They were all telling him to step back. No one saw anything wrong with your post, but that as long as you were professional, your human reaction is entirely understandable. I come to Dr. Grumpy for the snark. Don't think I'm going back to Happy's blog.

  16. Don't even worry about Happy. He knows he'd feel the same way if he were in that situation. Sometimes, it just feels good to see someone get what they deserve. That's only human, and there's no way Happy could deny that.

    I bet it would totally cream Happy's twinkie to be able to pronounce one of his enemies dead. He just won't admit it.

    I know I'd certainly take pleasure in watching one of my enemies squirm if they ended up being treated by me when I finish nursing school. Of course, I would never do, or threaten to do, anything to harm them, but the "Oh, s**t!" look on their face when I walk in would be funny. And I have to admit that there are some people who I dislike so much that I wouldn't mind watching a doctor pronounce them dead.

    Oh, balls... I guess Happy thinks I'm a terrible, terrible person now. Hahaha!


  17. Maybe Happy would have done more to try to "save" him....When I was a resident, we got a patient from Podunk General via Careflight, only to find that he was BRAINDEAD on arrival (and most likely for a while prior to arrival). So we had to break the news to the unexpecting family....At least he got a helicoptor ride! I think it gives everyone closure in a strange way....

  18. It's almost impossible not to offend someone.

    We, though, loved it.

  19. I would have found some joy in it too. seeing karma come around is a great way to restore some faith in the universe.

  20. I learned quite awhile ago that Happy is an ass. I took him off my bookmarks and never check him out anymore. Whatever he posts is designed to increase the traffic to his blog and increase his $$$. He does take great dog photos, though.

    But your blog I check morning and night! I love your attitude. I agree, it isn't like you wanted him were just able to appreciate the irony. As would I in your shoes.

  21. LOL @ anon..."cream Happy's twinkie"

    I wonder if this hospitalist you speak of really is happy? Me thinks not so much. Perhaps he needs to take some fucitol?

  22. I'm with Ed Adams on this one.

  23. It sounds like a case of sour grapes to me, Dr Grumpy! Ignore the jealous nutter!

  24. Dr. G, as I'm sure you've noticed....some people need to be offended. It'll do them good.

  25. I'm sure I'll get piled on for saying this: it did not seem to me like Happy was offended at all. He just didn't relate to the emotions of the post.

    I thought your post was funny, Dr. Grumpy. Although I wouldn't gloat over the death of someone like this (and you weren't really gloating, either), I wouldn't be able to help but see the irony of the moment. It was definitely a mastercard moment!

    OK, pile on.

  26. Happy's an idiot. He spends most of his blog life offending someone. Its kind of cool he got some of the same.

  27. You cant get rid of human nature, Im not surprised Happy cant relate...

  28. I rather like knowing that there is a doctor out there that's got a human feeling or two in his heart.

    I've been up close and personal with more than one doc that had the personality of a doorknob on top of thinking that their shit didn't stink.

    I like to imagine that you're really a great sympathetic, caring guy who does all he can for his patients who aren't "freaking whackjobs". And even then, you do all you can for them stopping at the point of actually supporting the whackyness.

    So... SUCK IT HAPPY! If you live through being bullied, and don't feel that what happened to Ibee isn't a priceless moment than you have completely lost touch with any shred of humanity you ever had.

    Oh wait... maybe you WERE the bully. Trust me Happy, karma's a bitch.

  29. Thought an earlier commentator noted that Dr. Happy was AUTISTIC, and I was going to agree...surely a touch of Aspergers at least in his inability to relate with us mere humans....

    Mark, RN

  30. My life has improved immeasurably since I stopped reading Happy's blog and started reading yours.

    You're real. You have sympathy for people, and empathy even when you don't necessarily agree with a person's choices. Happy just wants fatties and smokers to die while he stands around "directing" the code and earning another "World's #1 Doctor" medal.

    Keep on keepin' on, Dr. G. You're leagues better than Happy, in every way.

  31. Dx 301.9, Unspecified personality disorder NOS - lacks sense of humor.

  32. Happy Hospitalist is a prick. I hope he keeps going back to read these comments out of arrogance just to find even more people calling him an asshole. Now, do I sign in with my name so he can find my own blog and give me shit about it? (even though I haven't posted in ages). Nah. Fuck you, Happy. Get a life. And leave Dr. Grumpy alone. We like him.

  33. Self-righteous blowhards like Happy are the same guys who refused to pay medschool class dues because there would be beer at the annual picnic. Sheesh...

  34. I believe my thought on reading that post was "couldn't have happened to a nicer guy"


So wadda you think?