Saturday, October 31, 2009

Got Wild Kids?

"Daddy! Why do we all have to dress up as babies for Halloween?"

"Shut up, Frank, and put on the diaper."


  1. LOLOLOLOL... happy halloween

    my word verification is approv

  2. If only they had had this program when mine were young...

  3. You know, in Iowa you can drop them off any time until age 18! We keep threatening our teenagers with a family trip to Idaho for our next vacation.

  4. The funniest post I've seen on your blog yet!

  5. There are days when I could gladly give them up.

    But then there are times like this morning when I wake up to cuddles from 2 cute kids...kinda makes up for those other times.

  6. So funny! Don't give me any wicked ideas, though....

  7. It would be funnier if it weren't so damned sad.

  8. I used to say that I wouldn't take a million dollars for my kids, BUT I wouldn't give a plug nickel for two more just like them!

  9. well, people think that's sad, and then wonder why they find infants in dumpsters or so badly abused and neglected 5-6 years down the road they're already done. They had an infant dropped off in the ER in my town, and the news stations did this huge witch hunt looking for the she's really going to come forward after these news reporters say what a horrible person she is for surrendering the baby in a safe place. Guess it's more news when it's a dead dumpster baby...

  10. felt you'd appreciate the humor here, Dr. G.


So wadda you think?