Wednesday, September 9, 2009


"Look! I'm not stupid! I'm not a doctor, but I know A LOT about medicine. I mean, my brother-in-law's cousin is married to an optometrist!"

(No offense to optometrists is intended).


  1. That's on par with my wife's medical degree from the Google School of Medicine.

    PS. I know it's rude to pimp your own stuff in another blogger's comments, but you might enjoy this particular story. Feel free to delete the comment. It's cool.

  2. Hahaha, in that case, my roommate is in med school, which makes me almost a doctor!

  3. "And I watched 'ER' for like nine years, so that's like medical school AND residency!!!"

  4. "No trust me, I read it on the internet. I've really done my research on this drug. Now if you could just write that for a 90 days supply..."

  5. Hey, I've got you all beat! I work at a tertiary university hospital doing policy development and working with administrators. Plus I watch House religiously.

  6. I used to work with Rod Stewart's niece... must make me royalty or summat.

    Matthew Pinsent (a noted British athlete and former Olympian) actually can trace his lineage back to biblical times... must make him God.

  7. "I applied to medical school and I know the pharmacology of my medications, it is perfectly fine to fill my Norco early and can you advance me some Oxycontin as I am seeing my Dr. tomorrow and I am sure he will be refilling my Oxycontin early also. I will just bring the prescription by tomorrow afternoon. OK?"

  8. Toss some Lortab in there too, please.

  9. butt, butt, he's neurologically impaired right?! surely he's not always a butthole...

    i had to laugh at the comment about the "Google School Of Medicine!" and the link! funny.

  10. ..but WAIT!! I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

    Pattie, RN

  11. ah another Dr.Wikipedia. You unfortunately run into these people in every profession. They do tend to result in hilarious statements from time to time.

  12. I'm a nurse and one day I get a patient admitted with xyz and I start explaining whats going to which she replies "I know this stuff, my husband is a Dentist"...

  13. When I was in medical school I ran into someone I had barely known previously. We exchanged pleasantries and I mentioned that I was attending the only medical school in town at that time. He said, "Me, too!" I hadn't seen him around and he didn't strike me as graduate level material, so I asked what school he was attending. He said, "I'm going to ITT tech to learn how to be an x-ray taker!"

    Sometimes I wish we would just call it DOCTOR SCHOOL!

  14. I had a woman come to pick up an rx for antibiotic eye drops- she told me she got the infection after using her daughter's eye drops.
    I started to counsel her on how to properly use the antibiotic and she stopped me halfway saying "I know how to use eye drops; i'm a nurse."


So wadda you think?