Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Love in an Elevator

On an elevator ride up to Camp Cruiseship with Marie, a heavily perfumed lady got in with us. After about 10 seconds Marie said "Dad, it smells like bad cleaning chemicals and bug spray in here."

It’s really hard to pretend you don’t know a child after they call you “Dad”.


  1. A few weeks ago, I had a client stop by the house to drop off some paperwork. My daughter asked my wife, "Mommy, what is that man-woman."

    The lady had short hair, more facial hair than is commonly considered acceptable for a woman, and was otherwise very "butch" looking.

  2. I wouldn't worry. The woman is probably oblivious to the fact her perfume stinks. Most perfume smells horrible. It's that alcohol or whatever they put in it to make it volatile. As for the bug spray smell, yes, I have noticed that too with some people and their choice of fragrance. With the money they spent on that bottle, they could have just sprayed themselves down with some OFF!.

  3. I love Richard Dreyfuss's stakeout scene in detective flick "The Big Fix." He explains to his kid that the best way to have other people not see you is to do something disgusting in public, and then he picks his nose.

  4. She must have bought a jug at a duty free without bothering to test it first and see if it smelled really good on her. Too many people make the mistake of bathing in perfume, with the result of smelling like one of those old people that have a zillion cats in a 1 bedroom apartment.

  5. YOU GO GRRL! High 5s Marie.

    I have Idiopathic Anaphylaxis, and one of my worse triggers is the half wit who decides to marinade in the cleaning solution/bug spray perfume. I know that nasty stench Marie described.

    Had I been in the elevator with Ms. Reek to High Heaven, I'd be hunting for my Epi-pen and benadryl strips.

    Give Marie an extra nice treat on me....

    LD/50 Lab Rat

  6. I had a friend who was afraid to use the college laundromat and would just dab cologne on his clothes after several weeks. (Frankly, the 'natural' smell compounded with old Brut had a rankness that put it in a skunk category of its own.)

  7. My younger niece has trouble pronouncing the letter 'L'. Trips to the mall were often perilous - she'd point excitedly at a flagpole and SCREAM at the top of her voice: "LOOK UNCLE SPOOK! A FAG! A FAG!"


So wadda you think?