Sunday, June 14, 2009

Date Night

So on Saturday night Mrs. Grumpy and I actually found a (drumroll please) babysitter! Date Night! Woohoo!

So we went over to La Enchilada Grande. There was a large van in the parking lot, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

When we got inside the place was almost full. There was a large group at a big table in the center. We got a booth and began perusing menus and munching chips.

To my horror, I belatedly realized that the large group was a dinner field trip from La Casa deMentia, a local Alzheimer's home. And many of them were my patients.

Gotta love these people. They can't remember how to tie shoes, count money, or who their family members are, BUT THEY SURE AS SHIT CAN SPOT AND RECOGNIZE THEIR FREAKING NEUROLOGIST FROM ACROSS THE ROOM IN A BUSY RESTAURANT!!!

As a result our dinner was frequently interrupted by varying patients wandering over to say hi, help themselves to our chips, and/or ask directions to the bathroom. And since they have Alzheimer's disease they didn't recall doing so. One lady (with mismatched shoes and her blouse on inside-out) came over 3 times in one hour to tell me I looked familiar and to ask if we'd met before. One of them announced to her table (and the restaurant) that I was either her doctor or her grandson. Another asked me if I had any samples of "those memory pills, I forget what they're called".

We went elsewhere for dessert. Mrs. Grumpy noted the van's license plate for future reference if we see it in a parking lot again.


  1. Awesome! :) Sucks for you two though.

  2. I'd be very afraid to run into patients that I know.

    Excellent post :)

  3. LOL!!!

    Good move Mrs. Grumpy.

  4. The Mexican food was probably an example of a balanced diet measure, suggested by Grumpy, for the management of their Alzheimer's disease

  5. "La Casa deMentia," LMAO !

    Grumpy you are a riot!

  6. Just make sure you go to any Indian restaurant next time! I'm sure you know why...

  7. Awe, my heart sank when I started to read. I knew just what you were about to endure. That's one thing about having so many people know you.
    I love that Mrs. Grumpy. That's what I would have done too!

  8. Sucks to go out and see patients. I feel for you, inevitably my waitress is my patient.

  9. I do an about face and run the hell out when I see a nasty customer. The nice ones I say "hi" to but they don't recognize me without my lab coat. Awkward

  10. "La Casa deMentia"

    ROFL, that's hilarious, man. Keep it coming.

  11. You're a riot Doc!!!

    Before moving across states for my new job, I went to the local watering hole for one last night out.

    The end of the night, when I sought to pay my bar tab, the bartender waved it off saying that another customer had already covered it.

    Apparently the customer told the bartender that I was the one who took care of her when she was hospitalized a few months ago and she picked up my tab "just to say thanks". :-)


So wadda you think?