Monday, April 29, 2024

Waiting list

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Ms. Frantic: "Hi! I really need to see a neurologist! All the ones at Massive Clinic are booked out to July, so I was hoping your office might have something sooner."

Mary: "Actually, you're in luck. We just had a cancellation for tomorrow, so Dr. Grumpy can see you at 10:00 in the morning if that works."

Ms. Frantic: "Dr. Grumpy has an opening for tomorrow?"

Mary: "Yes, would you like it?"

Ms. Frantic:" Um... no. Honestly, if your doctor isn't booked out, than he probably isn't very good. I'll just wait for July."


  1. Sounds like that was an excellent patient to take a pass on. Who can fight logic like that?

  2. I agree with Shash. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

  3. What is it about? Just had a cancellation. That is so hard for the average nincompoop to understand. I used to have a relatively tight schedule with things where I had to be somewhere and I could never really planned like with great certain D because they would always pop up with something at the last minute where I had to be somewhere, so I had a standing thing with my dentist that if they had a cancellation that they could just call me and if I could swing out I would do so immediately and a few times they actually took me up on it and actually got me in for my teeth cleaning and in and out with out an issue and it was great

  4. Egilius van GeneverMay 1, 2024 at 3:20 PM

    "Oh, and if you happen to deal with any terminally ill married women, would you give their husbands my contact info?"

  5. The poor dear. Poor, poor dear. Has no concept. A couple years ago (not because of COVID), I worked entirely PRN and it seemed every time I set up the appt (which were months out because the dentist was so busy) I got called in to work and had to cancel, reschedule, etc. I didn't see the dentist at all that year. (My husband had an extraction so the insurance didn't go to waste.) This year the first appt was canceled because I was sick, and rescheduled within two weeks. We'll see. This year I can plan my PRN shifts because there are more PRNs in the 'pool' and I'm not the sole 'substitute'.

  6. "I think I'll just spend the $1000 and use one of those online neurologist appointment brokers."

  7. "Just between us, any neurologist that you're able to contact is one you don't want. The ones you want don't advertise to the general public and you need to know someone to get an introduction. Good luck."


So wadda you think?