Friday, September 1, 2023


 1:00 patient called me a "Pinko Jew." What a country.


  1. 1:01
    FAIL, get out of my office and don't come back.

  2. "Kish mir in toches, comrade."

  3. Appalling. I hope you canceled them as a patient.

  4. Who still says "pinko?" I thought these days the proper term of art for people whose political views you disagree with was "pedophile."

  5. I look at the list of Nobel prize winners (real ones, not "peace" or literature), and I look at the list of the people who made Germans the proverbial "people of poets and thinkers", and I _wish_ someone would call me a Jew. I'd be honoured. The "pinko" thing, OTOH … no, I wouldn't want to be taken for a communist.


  6. Considering that he probably goes to church every week to worship a Jew who went around saying stuff like "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven," and "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," maybe he meant that as a compliment?

  7. Damn. I like it better when they say they want to be clear they will not allow any Jews to touch the patient. Then I can just kick them on out because there is no gentile doctor!

  8. How did you not burst out laughing?

  9. This patient must be deep into dementia. Pinko was a term used back in this patient's younger days. Just lost my MIL to dementia. She would say the craziest things while she could talk.

  10. It is not a good thing to piss off your doctor.

  11. A complaining patient referred to my awesome staff pharmacist as as a "Blonde Zombie".
    She embraced the name - It's been her fancy football team name now for the last 8 years!

  12. Jesus what the F is wrong with people?

  13. Pinko? Which flavor of pink? Pink lemonade or pink Cadillac?

    I've never been called Pinko to my face. But, some folks are quite free with words like Marxist, Lenin, etc. I took the one required semester of political science, and I don't have time to try to figure out what they mean when they call me those sorts of things. They like to throw the word 'liberal' at me, too, as well as leftie.

    Thing is, I'm probably the most conservative person you'd ever meet. We recycle everything. Nothing in the landfill. It all goes into recycling or I don't buy it to begin with. My spouse and I've been married 43 years and it was only four years ago, I broke down and told him that his pajamas he brought over from the old country were probably as soft as a baby bottom and as fine as gossamer, and it might be time to start wearing in some new ones he got for Christmas a few years ago. That plastic spoon from take-out goes in the dishwasher so we've enough utensils for our lunchboxes, and a person can't have too many empty salsa jars.

    But, I really dislike people that seem to know which religious views I've nurtured over the years tell me that I can't believe what I believe because that's not what the Pope says. Like, yeah. Sure. You tell me what I'm supposed to believe if I am a member of that group.

    No, all those people that call others names are simply telling you who they are.


So wadda you think?