Thursday, April 18, 2019


Last week I received a letter from a research company, looking for "experts in a specific field."

It asked if I could answer "yes" to any of the following questions:


  1. Insert "Neurological Disease in Mongolian Yaks." You are undoubtedly the world's leading authority.

  2. God forbid they should do the work and approach only professionals with the credentials they need for their survey? Or are you to be honored to be allowed to do their vetting work for them?

  3. I once sent a request for clarification letter to the director of health Canada and in the header I left "Your name here"... Luckily he had a sense of humour and we laughed about it when he called...

  4. But *my* doctor says I'm not supposed to insert *anything* into my Therapy Area any more.

    How much lube for a Relevant, anyway? And what about the tusks? :ohdear:

  5. Relevant to what?

  6. Looks like they are stocking a list of possible experts in a lot of areas, kind of like companies that post jobs that don't really exist. They are trolling for interest.

    Frankly, I'm not sure that I'd trust an expert who responded to something like this. I would immediately question their expertise versus their ego.

  7. Almost looks as if they are looking for people willing to let the ad agency write the articles for them...


So wadda you think?