Monday, November 19, 2018

Ebay has everything

During her appointment I was helping Mrs. Old find a better price on her pain medicine, which (of course), activated the ad-tracker software.

So a few minutes later I noticed this on a site:


  1. I don't think Facebook and Twitter are going to like eBay moving in on their turf.

  2. Shit. As a chronic pain patient, I am always looking for MORE pain and it never occurred to me to check eBay. Thanks for the public service announcement, Dr. G!

  3. "Ears pierced here.
    Your choice: with or without pain."
    -- Storefront in Greenwich Village, early 1980's.
    (Exact phrasing subject to my imprecise memory. Which puts this in the vicinity of 4th & 10th Streets.)

  4. It's been a royal pain, lemme tell ya'.

    Personally, I think that is very considerate of you, Dr. G. to assist and help one of your patients navigate first of all the www, and second, help her look at this issue.

    This is one of those societal matters (in our oath that we ascribed to in the early 80s, at least) we pharmacists were taught in school as our professional duty (essentially) to help our patients, and intervene, but very rarely have the opportunity within our employer's job description. It is ironic, to think how much many of us pharmacists have become bean counters and drug accountants ... .

  5. Thank you Anonymous 11:08. Dr. Grumpy belies his name with a tidbit like that. Of course, I think one of the original meanings of "doctor" is "teacher."

    People of every age who did not grow up with the "interwebs" don't know how to search or worse, can't discern between a good deal found on a legitimate site and a sucker site.

    Thanks you, Dr. G

  6. Long, long ago on IIRC Google I got an ad from eBay for technitium-99M.

    Given it's 6 hour half life I wonder how they ship it...

  7. @Loren Pechtel:

    > Given it's 6 hour half life I wonder how they ship it…

    They ship a ⁹⁹Tc-"generator": A larger quantity of a different element, ⁹⁹Mo (Molybdenum), that decays into Technetium-99m. ⁹⁹Mo's half-life is not that long either, about 66 hours, so a ⁹⁹Tc-generator has a useful life of a week or so. The Molybdenum isotope in turn is made fresh in nuclear reactors, packaged, and shipped out.


So wadda you think?