Thursday, August 30, 2018

Wednesday afternoon

I'm in line at the bank, and hear this conversation in front of me:

Teller: "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we can't give you a cash withdrawal without any identification."

Ms. Deceit: "How about I just get the money today? I can come back tomorrow with ID."

Teller: "No, we need a form of identification before giving you the money."

Ms. Deceit: "Like I said, I left my purse at work, or I wouldn't be here in the first place."

Teller: "Well, you can certainly get it and return later."

Ms. Deceit: "Don't be silly. For that kind of trouble I might as well go to different bank. How about if I give you my cell phone number? You can call it right now, and I'll put my phone on the counter. When it rings that will prove it's me."

Teller: "We can't accept that. What we need is a photo ID and..."

Ms. Deceit: "A photo ID is easy. Don't you have a computer back there? I'll show you my Facebook page, so then you can see my picture and know I'm telling the truth."

Teller: "Ma'am, Facebook isn't an acceptable form of identification, and we'd also need to see..."

Ms. Deceit: "This is why I prefer online banking. Places with people in them, like this, just aren't customer-friendly."

(she leaves)


  1. Oh dear , don`t drink any coffee while you read this . Lol .

  2. Nev and Max have taught us all that Facebook is definitely NOT a form of identification.

  3. Thank-you to every bank teller who stands by the rules. Fraud is rampant and banks know it.These rules would not be in place if fraud wasn't such a huge issue.Bet this customer has no idea the in dept audits banks go through. Every day bank personnel know they must have a clean audit trail for every transaction. This is another example of the stupid public.

  4. So, I live on a farm a few miles from town. A couple years ago I went 'into town' to mail a parcel. Got there, had forgotten my wallet.
    Went into my bank and gave the teller my story - asked if I could get some money out.
    One of the managers, working at a desk close by, without lifting her head, said "If she says her name is Jones or Smith, don't believe her!'
    Ummm, my name is Mary Jones.......
    Teller looked at me, manager laughed.
    Got my money.

    Sadly, the powers-that-be, in the ivory tower closed that branch last week. Love small towns.

  5. I can totally sympathize with this woman. I've tried to offer my grocery store club card AND my blockbuster membership card as forms of ID-but they wouldn't except them either!!!

  6. I am just amazed that Brent here has a blockbuster card...

    It is amazing how patients will forget their insurance card, and borrow their buddy's or their wive's card to bring to the office, thinking that it will work. I've suggested they get their friends credit card too for the copay, since they are both Visa cards that should be fine.

  7. Scan your driver's license and put it on your phone.

  8. "This is why I prefer online banking"

    Maybe so, but Paypal wanted a photo ID before I could spend more than a few dollars at a time. What such a photo would prove I have no idea.

  9. I wonder if the election judges let her vote without her ID. That might explain a few things.

  10. The guy behind me will couch for me

  11. And THAT'S why we have blockchain...


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