Friday, July 6, 2018

Cue the "Jeopardy" theme

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you have a medication list?"

Mr. Time: "Nope, I know everything I'm taking."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, what are you on?"

Mr. Time: "The first one begins with 'T' and has a lot of letters."


  1. Oh the stupid is strong in this one. I don't know how you cope with it on a daily basis.

  2. Because there's totally just one medication that starts with "T"...

    Bless his heart.

  3. Astrolabe SilverwaxJuly 6, 2018 at 11:59 AM

    "I'd like to buy a vowel."

  4. Look on the bright side. At least he didn't say "it's a little white, round pill. I think it's for my breathing, well, no, it's for my heart." (Like they used to tell me at Medication Reconciliation on admission to the hospital.)

  5. Welcome to my world of medication history.

    “It is all in the computer”. At your normal doctor office 5 states away! And you don’t know what pharmacy you use. And it is Friday at 6 pm before a long holiday weekend.

  6. Buy a vowel, Dr. Grumpy! Buy a vowel!

  7. “Tetrahydroaminoacridine; that’s the one. Dr Methuselah put me on it years and years ago, but I don’t think its working....”

  8. You definitely need help from Vanna White.

  9. "I think they're giving me drugs to shut me up. It's pink and oval and has some letters on it."

    What's the bottle say?

    "I threw out the bottle! Is this a bad pill or not?"

    -- my life

  10. Thorazine or the cure all de jure Tumeric

  11. At least the 10 year old 11 pm emergency pinworm patient doesn’t take any meds! Story of my life.

    1. I'm describing the way the lab gets their specimen for analysis, so a doc can diagnose, and I made a nurse nearly get sick. At least now, there are nice pinworm paddles, and you're not trying to stick tape on a toddler's rectum

  12. Try doing medication reconciliation in the home with a demented elder who lives alone...or in assisted living with med techs who have no idea what the meds are, don't understand English well, and are only interested in bubble tea and Youtube videos!

    Sometimes I think these patients would be better off with a maximum of 3 meds, with large print instructions at a 6th grade reading level.....or colored TicTacs!

  13. Oh Doc! How I've missed your posts!

    Welcome to the life of an RN in the ER during Triage! LMAO!


So wadda you think?