Thursday, March 1, 2018

Seen in a chart


  1. When anaphylaxis is not enough.

  2. What a slacker. Stops breathing, has to go to the hospital and then shirks his daily activities because of it? What a drama queer.

  3. I wonder if he is allergic to epi, too?!

  4. Part of the first week of Marine Corps boot camp was getting a lot of shots. One day we were in line for another one, and the Navy corpsman was asking each recruit if he was allergic to penicillin. The guy if front of my said, "I don't know." The corpsman replied, "Well, we'll find out here in just a second", and zapped him. Apparently, he wasn't allergic or he handled it really well.

  5. Pesky old apnea; I hate when that happens.

  6. But what about his nightly activities?

  7. Astrolabe SilverwaxMarch 1, 2018 at 3:30 PM

    "So, remember, kids- no matter how 'groovy' or 'totally awesome' you think it is, just say 'no' to penicillin."

  8. "Patient was given a copy of '101 Fun Activities You Can Do In the Hospital Without Breathing.' Problem solved."

  9. I wonder if spelling it out has to do with legal and work stuff, so they can specifically point to it as 'yes, this is a problem. It's stated in the chart'.

    You would not BELIEVE the number of idiots who think you can just 'get over' allergies, food sensitivities, or the like. Even worse are the people who don't believe that allergies and such are a thing.


So wadda you think?