Friday, February 16, 2018

"Make mine a double."

This CME course title can be interpreted in more than one way...

Thank you Dr. A!


  1. (Please, moderate this comment appropriately, Dr. G as I don't see any reason to 'legalize' production of home-grown THC outside the FDA without adequate research, just so pot-growers, possessers, and dealers avoid overcrowding the jails. Even alcohol is required to meet certain standards of production and content before labeling for commerce across State lines.)I saw an news blurb the other day about some US supported government in the Middle-East being upset about the ambivalence of the American government toward this particular industry, and couldn't help but think that other governments in the Middle East should file their complaints about opium production, or perhaps governments in the Eastern East putting in their dibs for manufactured fentanyl, albeit probably not under the safest nor most sanitary conditions, much like the car trunk portable meth labs we have in the midwest.

  2. Sativa is probably better for when you're dealing with patients, and indica when you're doing boring paperwork.

  3. What better way to build up a doctor-patient rapport than by sharing a spliff?

  4. Do all those anatomical posters hanging in the office glow under blacklight?

  5. [Insert Portland joke here.]

  6. But then you might have to change the name of your blog to "Dr. Mellow in the House."

  7. "Your test results are in...sorry I can't stop giggling, but did you ever really stop and think about what a funny word 'Alzheimer's' is?"

  8. Wearing of the Green and Smoking of the Green on St. Patrick's Day. I was going to refer to it as St. Paddy's day but feared that I would be labeled ethnically insensitive even though my 23 and Me profile shows I originated in County Kerry. So as much as we all would like to attend, on that date, we can't because we will be 5 deep at the bar swilling green beer until we puke. Now that is ethnically insensitive.

  9. I think they titled it that way on purpose.

  10. So what is the "other" interpretation that the Doctor refers to? I cannot see any …

  11. this like when the pharmacy sales rep comes along and leaves samples?


So wadda you think?