Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Dr. Grumpy: "Hi, I'm Dr. Grumpy. Have a seat. So..."

Mr. Query: "Just to make sure, you went to medical school?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes."

Mr. Query: "And residency?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes. I also did a fellowship."

Mr. Query: "Okay, thank you. My internist did medical training, so I always want to make sure the doctors she sends me to did, too."


  1. "I try to be extra careful, ever since I went to this one guy who turned out to be a yak herder."

  2. Here in Australia we just had a guy fined for pretending to be a doctor and going around a hospital for months because he just desperately wanted to make some new friends.

  3. "Although I didn't finished med school, and I got tossed out of the residency and the fellowship as soon as they found out."

  4. Give him the benefit of the doubt. This may be somebody who had encountered naturopaths or other "alternative health care providers."

  5. What does it say if you have to ask...

  6. Good questioning! When my M.D. retired, my provider rolled me to a D.O. Goodbye provider.

  7. What would make her think that if someone was practicing medicine without having been trained that they wouldn't lie to her when she asked the question?

  8. Anon at 4:05 am.

    Best response ever!

  9. "Oh, there was also that time I stripped down to my underwear in front of who I thought was the doctor but turned out to be a visiting drug rep."

  10. Years ago I got sent to attend a bail hearing. I entered the Courtroom, where I was the only person in the room who was wearing a suit, a tie and had showered in the last week. Everyone else was in handcuffs and leg shackles , all of whom had been brought up from the holding facility. The crusty old judge , made it a point of a grand entrance, all rise and all that.
    upon spotting me he asked me Are you a lawyer ? To which I responded yes, thinking that he was going to give me calendar priority. He responded, Oh, Okay and swept his gaze over the courtroom full of unshaven , not too tidy, slovenly and fragrant assemblage and Said , you can never tell these days who the lawyers are.

  11. "I found that out the hard way when my insurance company refused to pay for me to see Dr. Dre."

  12. Doctors should hang their report cards on the wall. Who knows, maybe they failed your disease.

  13. My neighbor thinks everyone who wears a white coat is a doctor. Not a good thing to assume.

  14. Packer, that sounds like a perfectly reasonable question on the Judge's part. "Criminal lawyer" can be read two different ways, after all.

    And the original question is quite reasonable, too. I've heard that neither Duke Ellington or Count Basie was actually a member or the peerage. Or John Wayne, for that matter.

  15. "I went to one of those French clinics they have at all the department stores, and it turns out that those women in the white coats aren't actually doctors. I'm not sure it's even a real clinic, even if the sign says 'Clinique.'"

  16. My company verifies all claimed degrees and work history. And we find fraudulent or overstated qualifications regularly. What was unthinkable -or at least very rare- is now a significant risk. Amazingly, when challenged a number of these charlatans will admit the fraud. By all means, ask- and do an independent check as well. "The life you save may be your own."

  17. Maybe Mr. Query was just checking to be sure you weren't a Doctor of Humane Letters.

  18. Hey, I Googled all my docs and Google when I get a new referral. NOT expecting problems, but just want to know who is A. Taking care of me. and B. Going to see me in my undies. Or less.

  19. Empee Jaxon, what's wrong with a DO? I know that they are trained in "osteopathic manipulative technique" but for every DO that I've seen, it has been no different than an MD. My asthma is treated with an inhaler, not massage.


So wadda you think?