Friday, December 18, 2015

Grumpy Gift Guide 2015

Your friend loves seafood. In fact, you've often heard her say how much she wishes she had a nice big shrimp to cuddle up with and use as a pillow, but cuddly crustaceans are hard to find.

This would be perfect for her!

This adorable giant shrimp pillow is ideal for anyone who's ever wanted, um, an adorable giant shrimp pillow. Get yours here. Or at least enjoy reading the badly translated ad.


  1. The ad is pretty funny, as are all the other types of pillows available. Who knew? And a bargain at $32.77...

  2. Thanks, Dr. Grumpy,

    Now I need a double dose of eye bleach. Between that image this morning, and the 4 hour marathon design test at work yesterday, my eyes are in full rebellion this morning. Does Fukitol offer eye drops?

    OTOH, maybe I'll get one of those shrimp pillows as a gift for my wonderful wife this Christmas...

  3. The perfect neck pillow for when you're on a plane, sitting next to an elbow hog.

  4. the perfect gift for that annoying relative with the severe allergic reaction to shrimp!!

  5. Mayport, Florida thanks you!

  6. How much cocktail sauce with that shrimp? I love shrimp, but only if it comes from deep clear bacterial etc. contaminant-free ocean water.

  7. I never knew I would be interested in a giant crustacean or "realated Products."

  8. Thank you Dr Grumpy for the laugh. It turns out that Amazon offers it for sale, so Christmas gag gift.

    -- Steve

  9. The "Sweet Ebi" sex doll. For the person on your list who REALLY loves shrimp...

  10. Considering that the Japanese, or anyone else that's not an English speaker, understand each other without a multitude of prepositions required and necessary to understand English, is it any wonder there is often hilarity on the part of the English speaker, and some chagrin to the English learner in understanding proper placement of these placement terms for carrying on a conversation in English? Words like: 'up', 'under', 'around', 'into', 'in', 'under', 'across', 'from', out of', 'by', 'below', 'over', 'from', etc. are integral complete English conversational comprehension, but seem unnecessary to other languages. I wonder why that is? Proper interpretation, and composing legalese does keep an entire industry in business, for sure as well as a whole bunch of comedians demonstrating the humor in attempting to understand how to 'beat (around, up, under, over, in,across, by, off, etc.) the bush'.

  11. Spoiler alert: that's the action figure for one of the most important new characters in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."


So wadda you think?