Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Doctors behaving badly

I'm with a patient when Mary knocks on my door.

Mary: "Dr. Tanned is on the phone, says he needs to talk to you."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay. Sorry, Mrs. Patient, let me take this call..." (picks up phone) "This is Ibee Grumpy."

Dr. Tanned: "Hi, Ibee. Sorry to interrupt you, but I just wanted you to know my wife works in home mortgages, and would like your business. Have you considered refinancing? She can get you a great APR."

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you kidding me?"

Dr. Tanned: "Not at all. She's saved a lot of people money on their house payments, and..."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm with a patient. I have to go."

Dr. Tanned: "I'll fax you..."

I hung up.


  1. We can save you thousands of dollars per year on all your yak herding supplies. Call us now! Operators are standing by!

  2. Just think about all the Diet Coke you can buy with the interest savings!

  3. Yak bites can be very nasty. My sister was once bitten by a Yak...

    Seriously? He called during the day? Now at some Dr shindig I can see him playing marketing for his wife but during the day? No class.

  4. Hmmmmmmm . . .do yaks live near anything dangerous . . .like cliffs? Or can we put Dr. Tanned on the team treating the Ebola Pt. in Texas?

    >PUSH< (Only kidding, Big Brother!)

    Words fail me. And if you knew me, you'd know that takes something.

  5. I'm kind of spiteful (I think the medical term is "bitch") but that is one of those situations where, even if I was thinking about refinancing my mortgage and even if I knew your wife did that, now that you've pulled this stunt, I would never, ever, EVER use her to do it. I might even, if I was already considering it, use someone else and purposely let Dr. Tanned and his wife know about it and why I didn't use them.

    But like I said...spiteful.

  6. My staff says we get a half dozen such calls daily, but I've never had a doctor abuse another in such a way. Almost worth a call back to tell him about your wife selling Mary Kaye.

  7. "That's funny; she never says anything about home mortgages when I see her. Maybe it's because her mouth is always full."

  8. chutzpa,
    gall, nerve, impudence, moxie

    Why is it that those without it, always criticize those with it.
    I am not even Jewish, but way back when I was a child, my father would encourage it in the shy Irish Catholic children he sired. Our lives changed for the better when we got some.

    Didn't this guy pull the same thing a couple of months ago with mutual funds or life insurance ?

  9. Completely unprofessional! Is a doctors's business so bad he needs to advertise his wife's jobs during work hours just to pay the bills?

  10. That couldn't wait until AFTER work hours? *smh*

  11. Dr. Tanned needs a remedial course in professionalism; if you know this schmuck more than just casually, I'd dress him down in front of his peers. Nothing corrects bad behavior amongst medical students (and physicians) faster than peer humiliation.

  12. Very unprofessional. On several levels.

  13. Okay, I am still laughing at anon 11:59's comment... And the fact that no one else even batted an eye at it.

  14. The yak comments that are reminiscent of the moose comments in the intro to Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail are making me sob with laughter! The music from that portion of the intro is playing in my head now.

  15. Maybe, just maybe Dr Tanned has his circadian-rhythm screwed up, otherwise I might wonder why he wasn't busy with his own business during daytime hours, and the possibility that he's already lost his medical license --now working for a realtor.

  16. Wow, was totally shocked at seeing this, wow again

  17. Can you say conflict of interest?

    Wrong, so wrong. OMG...

  18. Its Dr. Tanned who needs a great APR; i.e. asshole prevention remediation.


So wadda you think?