Monday, June 9, 2014


This is a neuron. It's the basic nerve cell that runs your brain, my brain, pretty much everything's brain:

Sometimes it's hard to leave my job at the office. Work is always on my mind.

One night, when I got home, I found my kids had spilled something in the kitchen. And it reminded me of...



  1. What surprised me is how much more complex and intricate a nurone is than that simplified diagram leads one to imagine.

  2. Time for vacation?

  3. I'm sure there's a name for this phenomenon. It amazes me.

    It is like when you buy a new car, and suddenly you see cars just like yours all over the roadway. They were always there, you just never noticed them before.

    I'm no brain expert, and possibly don't even possess a brain [heck, doctors have looked at scans of my head and said, "There's nothing there!], but I'd guess it has something to do with the way long term memory works and the way things can trigger recognition. I wonder if it's related to the way people see faces in food or mondegreens [where you hear music lyrics incorrectly].

    Film at 11.

  4. I hope those are not the shoes you wear when professionally herding yaks. They not only do not inspire confidence in the wearer, they actually make me wonder if the wearer is not verging on homelessness (or impending temporary bacherlorhood.

    stay safe.

  5. I don't think you have to worry about seeing a neuron in your kitchen floor should only start to worry when you make your kids label the structures on the dirt neuron instead of making them wipe it up.

    On the other hand, if I made my son label body part diagrams made out of floor dirt, maybe he would wipe them up himself before I even saw them...lightbulb!

  6. Tic tac toe, with toes in 2 of the bottom squares.

  7. Hey I do this too, but usually I see medical images in food :)

  8. I'd hate to think of what you'd be seeing in spills if you were a gynecologist.

    1. I just laughed so hard, I had to stop lurking just to say thank you.

  9. Does this mean we're really nothing more than stains in the universe? ;-)

  10. They did not spill anything, they were playing that new game--Stomp the Grape.

    I wonder how many people have at home work flashbacks.

  11. Makes you glad you didn't go into urology, doesn't it?

  12. I understand this phenomenon.

    I taught reproductive anatomy & physiology for nearly 2 decades. At least you're seeing neurons and not um, other things.

  13. Yep. I'm a coder. When I balance my checkbook and the numbers add up to 250.02 I think DM II uncontrolled. No matter the number in my account (because it's NEVER over a thousand anyhow) I assigned a code.

    How sick is that?

  14. Are you saying your kid spilled his brains?

  15. Good job! That's what I'll be after if I ever need a neurologist. Someone who sees brain stuff everywhere. And humor. I need humor. And appreciation of my jokes is nice too.

  16. a.generic doc-The Dodge ram's horn logo looks just like a uterus. You're welcome.

  17. Here's my belief: Neurons don't "run" anything. They mediate for the "runner". The runner in such a case is a spiritual component of man, that which gives man life. That which leaves the body - in a non-physical way the moment death happens - to leave the body lifeless.

    Otherwise you end up with a foolish notion that neurons control themselves.


So wadda you think?