Saturday, September 14, 2013

Thank you

No, I'm not back to writing. I just wanted to thank you all for your wishes. I'm genuinely touched.

It's been a bad week. I've likely cried more than I ever have. I'm not one of those "boys don't cry" types, but am still in shock. Maybe someday I'll write about it.

One of the most remarkable things (at least to me) about the brain is its ability to remember songs and lyrics, long after we last heard them, or even remembered they existed.

Although I haven't heard the album in over 35 years, somewhere during the week my brain dragged out a song from my childhood that I'd long since forgotten about, and been playing it nonstop in my mental background. It's from Free to Be You and Me (1972) and is "It's All Right to Cry." It was, ironically, sung by football great Rosey Grier.

Normally my earworms drive me nuts, but this one has been very soothing. Thank you, Mr. Grier, wherever you are.

And thank you all for your good wishes and understanding.



  1. "crying takes the sad out of you. it's allright to cry. It might make you feel better".

    Loved that song, and sending healing thoughts your way. Grief is so hard. I wish you well and some moments of peace.

  2. I remember that song as well. You and your family are in my thoughts. We'll see you when you get back....


  3. Dr. G, thank you for all the hours of entertainment and insight. You go take care of your family. We'll all be here when you get back.

  4. What everyone else has said, on this and your previous post.

    Prayers and hugs for you and your whole family.

  5. Keeping you all in my heart & thoughts ~
    And sending my best TLC ~

    bobbie R.N.

  6. Warm thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Take your time, and remember to "Cry every tear." Be gentle with yourself, Dr. G.

  7. Very sorry to hear you are having such an awful time. Thinking of you xxx

  8. Best wishes Dr. Grumpy. So sad for you and your family to be facing a terrible time.

  9. I am shocked at myself for having this horrible desire to want to know what happened. I don't know you, and your tragedy is really none of my business. I guess that I am taken aback by feeling a connection to you just by reading your blog. Oh, how the Internet has changed us humans...

  10. You and your family are in my prayers.

  11. Hang in there, Dr. Grumpy. We are all sending positive vibes your way (well, *I* am, anyway!)...

  12. Take your time, we'll be waiting for when you decide to come back.

    Tons of love to you and yours.

  13. Sounds bad, whatever it is. Wishing you grace and strength...

  14. Best to you and yours, Grumpy.

    I wish you better days and much peace whatever happens.

  15. Thank you for the update, Dr. Grumpy. Take care of you first and foremost, then everyone else. Crying is good for the soul, and so are favorite old songs.


  16. Sending gentle hugs and soothing vibes your way.

    Holding you and your family in the light.


  17. Take care. We love you and will wait for you to come back. So sorry for your pain.

  18. I'm keeping you and your family in my (artisanal) thoughts and prayers.

  19. I remember the song/ album as well. Marlo would be so pleased that it is still giving comfort.

    I hope things are getting better and that everyone comes out OK on the other side. It is very difficult to be the one having trouble, when you are used to helping people with theirs.

    take care. take time. take a drink.

  20. Sorry to hear you are going through this difficult time. We look forward to seeing you back soon. Take care.

  21. Take your time. Know our thoughts are with you.

  22. Whatever it was, I wish only comforting thoughts for you. All the best, Dr. G.


  23. Doctor.....I sincerely wish for the best possible outcome for you and your family. Please be assured that you are being sent lots of good vibes and well-wishes.

  24. A year ago this October, my darling mother died. You were my ray of sunshine for the six weeks that preceded her death. I checked your blog daily for my two minutes of laughter.
    Sometimes it is difficult to find words to fully express our emotions. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you have a loyal following out here. Would that we could do for you what you do for us. Come back to us when you are ready. We'll be here.

  25. Thinking of you, Skool Nerse, F, C, and M.

    May you find comfort, hope, and healing in your time of challenge. Take care of yourself :)

  26. Thank you so much for the countless times that you've made me laugh until I cried. My heart aches for you right now. You and your family are in my prayers.

  27. I'm crying with you and for you. Praying for you and your family. God Bless.

  28. May the Force be with you.

  29. Praying for peace and comfort for you and your family.

  30. Faithful reader, rarely comment.

    My favourite mantra for times like this is "this too shall pass"... and it always does.

    And when you emerge from your grief you are a stronger, more spiritual person for it.

    Sending healing thoughts to you and your family.

  31. I've been crying right along with you. Although i have been singing "Wait a Minute Mr. Postman." My husband had open heart surgery on August 28 and has yet to come out of the coma. I will had both you and your family to my prayers.

  32. Dr. Grumpy, may the almighty give you and your family strength.. It is cold comfort, I know, but remember sir, whatever has happened, there is still much to be thankful for.. With best wishes.

  33. wishing you and your family all the comfort and strength in the world.

  34. All possible well-wishes and strength during this hard time for you and your loved ones. We will stay in stand by as long as it takes. Take care! *sending virtual hugs*

  35. I hope normalcy returns quickly for you, Dr. Grumpy. I'm sorry for your pain. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    And thank you for providing many laughs over the past couple years for me. I only wish I could do the same for you.

  36. Others have said it better so I'll stand on line and wait my turn to give you a hug, let you know you are a happy place for me and so many others, and I will be here when you come back. Take good care, Dr. G.

  37. when you share a funny story, we laugh with you.
    when you share a touching story, we are touched with you.
    when you share a sad story, we are sad and cry with you, so yes, it's all right to cry.

    thank you, doctor, your blog has a greater power than you realize.

    hang in there, take care!

  38. So sorry for your pain. Blessings to you and your family

  39. Dr Grumpy, sending best wishes and prayers to your family there, from your loving family here.

  40. It's amazing, Dr. G. You're the first doctor I've met albeit via internet that has shown all elements of being a member of this human race. I am amazed, humbled, grateful and touched, deeply, that you've shared the good, bad, ugly, and funny with us. Through these dark times, I hope there is light, and peace. God give you and yours strength and wisdom. God bless.

  41. Thinking of you, you are where you need to be (with your family not anonymous strangers on the internet). Lydia

  42. Hope things work out for you.

  43. All the best, Dr. G. We are thinking of you.

  44. I am so sorry for your family emergency. Your humor has been a bulwark of sanity for another cog in the medical world. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.


  45. Love and prayers for you and your family. Be kind to yourself.

  46. So sorry, hang in there and cry all you want.

  47. I am sorry that you are going through a difficult time. I am amazed and grateful that you are taking the time to keep us updated. Bless you. I am a faithful reader and hoping for the best for you and your family.

  48. Dr. Grumpy, just saw this news, and wanted to express my own condolences. I'm adding my voice to the others that have said we're thinking of you, and wishing you peace and strength in this difficult time.

    Hang in there.

  49. Very sorry for your troubles, sending kind thoughts.

  50. Deep peace of the running wave to you.
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
    Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
    Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

  51. Another lurker coming out of the shadows to send comforting vibes your way.

    When my mom was getting her double lung transplant last year, I re-read a lot of the older blog posts just to give me a laugh, so count me as someone else that you've comforted in a time of need.

    Thoughts and prayers to you.

  52. sending well wished you way. and tha.k you for the doctors should listen to nurses post. I'm an ER nurse, and a dam hard working one at that. 99% of the docs listen when i talk becausr if im talking to you there is a damn good reason because i don't have time to chit chat.. but that 1% that waves me off and disregards my concerns really gets to me. But its physicians like you that make me keep going. thanks!
    Canadian ER RN

  53. So sorry for what you are going through. You just worry about taking care of yourself and your family, and remember, crying is good for the soul. *hugs* ~Megan~

  54. Sending cyberhugs to one of the funniest physicians I've never met! I hope your sense of humor helps pull you through this.

  55. I hope you find some comfort from all of us in your cyber community. We care about you deeply and hope the sun shines for you again soon. Hugs and soothing pats on the back from all of us.

  56. We've got that DVD home from netflix right now. Holds up much better than you'd think, especially the wonderful Rosey Grier. Hang in there Dr. Grumpy.

  57. Sending best wishes out to you and your family during this difficult time.
    We will be here waiting.

  58. May peace and blessings surround you and your family during this time

  59. sending you love and hugs to you and your family.

  60. You and your family are in my prayers. I am so sorry that there isn't more I can do for you and your family. Take care, and God bless.

  61. Be well, Dr. Gumpy, and thanks for being there for us.

  62. Coming out of lurkerdom to say that I hope you and your family find the strength in eachother to deal with whatever you are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  63. For my part, Grumpy, I am trying to figure out a way to steal your readership.

    It is a joke, and sometimes when things are worst , what you need most is a laugh. Best wishes.

  64. let go of what you cannot control, do the next right thing as it becomes clear, be gentle with yourself and those around you, and know that this too shall pass...humans have amazing resilience, even with great pain and loss and keep going, one step at a time...and know that there are many people sending you hugs, prayers, energy, healing thoughts, are not alone...

  65. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Dr. Grumpy!

  66. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Dr. Grumpy!

  67. Another delurke from the UK sending you best wishes.

  68. All our best thoughts to you and your family. You've given me a lot of laughs at times when not a lot was funny.

  69. Sending good thoughts to you and your family...

  70. I think prayer and time, then more prayer and more time are required. My husband awoke today.

  71. Dr G,
    Grieve. Make no apologies and grieve as much as you want. It is a never ending process. You will think it is over and the grief will strike you again. Keep whatever prevents your insanity from taking over in the foremost part of your mind. It does get better. It does get easier.
    Our regrets are our own and we learn to live with them or we die.
    Gary L. Griffin RN

  72. Another lurker - prayers for you and your family.6

  73. In difficult time I turn to the Desiderata...."Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

  74. Best wishes to you and your family, youre in my thoughts

  75. Free To Be You & Me has lots of good stuff. Glad it was still there when you needed it, and I am thinking about you & your family.

  76. Words are inadequate, but they are all I have.

    Godspeed, Doc. And prayers for comfort and peace.

  77. You always make a day of the medical office grind a bit easier, so I miss you and will be happy to see you return. I am feeling anxiety for your troubles without knowing anything at all about them. As a mother and wife in addition to being a doctor, I can only imagine the worst. Let's all hope for something less than that.

  78. Ah..if more people cried I do believe the world would be a better place.
    (((Dr. Grumpy&family))
    Please don't forget to feed the Yaks.

  79. Your blog has lifted my spirits so much and I'll always be grateful.

    My thoughts, love and prayers go out to you and your family.

  80. I'm so sorry you're experiencing a difficult time. Sending you (virtual) support and good thoughts.

  81. So very sorry for this difficult time. Thank you for all of the laughs you have given me over the years. They are appreciated. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  82. I believe it was Queen Elizabeth II who said, "Grief is the price we pay for love." Our thoughts are with you, Dr. Grumpy.

    --Queen Anne's Lace

  83. I read regularly--I comment rarely. You tell a funny story, I laugh. You tell a sad story, I've cried a few times too. I don't actually "know" you Dr. Grumpy-but I wish you peace during this difficult time.

  84. Delurking for first comment: please please take care, my best wishes to your and your family. I hope the darkness passes soon. You guys are the good eggs in this world. My heart goes out that you are going through a bad time.

    All the best.

  85. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Dr. Grumpy!

  86. Another lurker who has appreciated your wit and wisdom for years wishes that you and yours find comfort in whatever way works for you.

    Rob J

  87. Clearly there isn't a commenter here who wouldn't do something to help wipe those tears away; so, if this is how much you've touched anonymous folks on the internet then, surely, you're a great doctor and wonderful human being.

    May God bless you and yours.

  88. Hoping for the best for you and your family. Take care of you! From a badly behaving veterinarian.

  89. Just wanted to add my voice to the others. Wishing you all peace.

  90. Deluding to say my thoughts are with you and the fam. You ave brought much laughter to me (a nurse practitioner student) and my kid (a med school hopeful). Please bake all the time you need. And thank you for all the comic relief!


So wadda you think?