Monday, November 26, 2012

Doctors behaving badly

I'm with a patient, when Mary appears in the doorway.

Mary: "Excuse me, but there's a Dr. Fuchs on the phone. He says he's a radiologist, and needs to speak with you urgently."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay" (looks at patient and starts to pick up phone) "Excuse me for a sec... Hello, this is Ibee Grumpy."

Dr. Fuchs: "Hi, this is Roy Fuchs, I'm a radiologist in north Grumpyville."

Dr. Grumpy: "What can I do for you? Is one of my patients at your place?"

Dr. Fuchs: "Not yet, but that's why I'm calling you. My brother Luke, who's also a radiologist, and I just bought a used MRI and have set up our own imaging facility. I was wondering if I could come by your office in a few minutes to give you some info about it."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm booked up with patients today, and..."

Dr. Fuchs: "I'm sure they won't mind waiting a little longer, knowing that your time hearing about our MRI is in their best interests."

Dr. Grumpy: "Wait... but you told my staff you needed to talk to me urgently?"

Dr. Fuchs: "Well, I'm on my way to your area, and thought you'd want to know about our facility before you order any more studies. So what do you say? Can I get you something from Starbucks?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Don't bother." (hangs up) "I'm terribly sorry, Mrs. Patient, now back to your medications..."


  1. Naive layman question incoming:

    Is this a common reason why doctors are running super late all the time, because they're listening to sales pitches from Dr. Fuchs or perhaps spending time with eye candy pharmacy rep?

    I shadowed an obgyn once who was booked solid with patients, managed to spend adequate time with each of them, and was no more than 5 minutes late at one point. I was in awe of her efficiency and ability to switch gears so quickly.

    I totally don't mind if a doctor is running late due to helping someone with a complex problem or unusual emergency situation. Hey, it happens and if the tables were turned I'd want my doctor to focus his needed attention on my situation. be left waiting in a gown on the butcher paper in the exam room because of a sales pitch would be completely unacceptable. Please tell me this isn't a common practice.

  2. No referrals from me! EVER!

  3. I can only speak for myself, but I NEVER run late because of sales calls. The patients come first.

  4. Not meaning to slag off the good ones, but this is akin to my experiences recently with radiologists who have no concept of running a clinic in a normal doctor - patient way.

  5. I'm pretty sure that what Dr. Fuchs is doing is illegal.

  6. Hi, my name is Moose. I just bought a used orange tabby cat. I'm on my way to your neighborhood to introduce him around. I'm sure you and your patients will benefit from meeting my orange tabby, he's a really nice and friendly animal, and he's key to the future health of your patients. Why, you won't find a better cat scan in all of north Grumpyville.

    I'll be there by lunchtime, can I bring your office some Meow Mix?

  7. So you don't want to save on your electric bill
    So where do you invest
    Do you want to be the first listing on GOOGLE

    It never ends, I am glad you saw through this (little MRI humor)

  8. Thank you Mr. Yak Herder for hanging up! I am sure Phillips or whoever made the used MRI will want to sell Dr. Fuchs a service contract - sic 'em!

  9. I think assholes like this make doctors run late. Then the patients have to wait and wait, and then by the time they get to the pharmacy to get a new script they're on wait-overload and that's why they give pharmacists such a bad time when we ask them to wait a few minutes for their prescriptions. Then pharmacists like me get all pissed off and blog about it. That's what I think.

  10. That takes the cake . . . or maybe pumpkin pie at this time of year

  11. Dr. Ibee Grumpy, that would cause me to Bee Grumpy also.

  12. Moose - Meow Mix? Seriously, only fancy feast or don't stop by!

  13. An urgent call from a radiologist always causes a sick feeling in the stomach, and shaking hands. That call signals horrible news for someone.

    You deserve great credit for not losing it on the phone with a patient in the room. I hope Mary brought you an extra diet coke after that.

  14. Thank you for informing me of who never to send a patient to.

  15. In the clinic where I used to work, my physician partner had sales people calling on him all the time. I'd usually meet with the vaccine people, but that was it. I hated it! Hello, you have a captive market here, a PNP with patients who need vaccines. I didn't see the need to talk with them. He lived for all the sucking up and free crap, lunches and dinners from the reps.

  16. What 'Dr. Fuchs' didn't tell you is that (s/)he has a PhD in visual fine arts and used to be a radiology technician xraying containers for US Customs and Border Protection. Don't wait to take advantage of this limited-time offer! You can imagine how honest the caller is about their product offerings...

  17. I'm a Radiologist and that assclown that called you has some bad karma coming his way.

  18. Anon:

    Sounds like you and the Rad Brother/Sisterhood ought to dope slap this character. (I love our rad boss...she is so cool!)


    Maybe you should ask him to come on the parking lot when some of your feistier patients are in the office.

    Might be entertaining...

  19. I wonder if this is why I always have to wait an hour at my Dermatologist's office. takes 3 months to get an appointment with him! Sheesh! Should anyone be that busy?

  20. Hey, how often do you guys get a "physician waiting" call and it's not a real physician (or close enough)?

    Not many things can truly piss me off almost instantly, but...

    I've polled my esteemed colleagues as well, and have come up with mixed results.

  21. I apologize on behalf of all HONEST radiologists...there are still quite a few of us...


  23. dr.fuchs sounds like a great used car salesman in a different life

  24. So how many double frappe showed up in next half hour?


So wadda you think?