Saturday, October 13, 2012

Advantages of getting a flu shot

At your friend the pediatrician's office: Cool band-aids!


  1. I have the same ones at home, courtesy of the demands of my three Angry Bird-fanatic kids!

  2. Pretty cool! I got mine at my kids' peds and got a bitchin' camo Band-aid.

    Is this an elusive pic of Dr. G??

  3. Then you called Mary on your way home to have her order angry bird bandaides for the office.

  4. Dude! You need to give more shots out with the cool band-aids.

    Maybe more patients will show up on time, be adherent with their meds, sprinkle fairy dust...;-P

    If it works, I don't knock it.

  5. Awww. I just got a boring old band-aid when I had my flu shot, as did my son. I guess that's what we get for going to the CVS Minute Clinic. Oh well, it was free (insurance paid, anyway) and we got a coupon for 25 percent off anything in the store!

    Btw, do you know that there is going to be a Star Wars version of Angry Birds coming soon? My son can't wait! For that matter, my husband is pretty excited, too.

  6. that an artisanal band-aid?

    Speaking of the word-that-shall-not-be-used...I ran across this fellow ranting about it on The Daily Show...

  7. But can you get regular whiskey, or just that candy-flavored Red Stag stuff?

  8. ...ohgodohgodohgod....went to Toys'r'us with 3 kids to look for b-day present for sibling. Saw Angry Birds Star Wars Plastic toys. Scenes of gaudiness. Like Tatooine and Jabba's Palace inhabited by molded polymer Angry Birds in Star Wars costumes. Went home. Ate dinner. Pacified family with Wii games, chores and the SEC so I could get visually assaulted with pics of AB bandaids......Clearly need to be added to grocery list.

  9. I didn't get to see the bandaid I got with my last flu-shot, i prefer them in the glute.

  10. How lucky! All I got was a band-aid of dubious flesh color and two days of flu symptoms!

  11. That makes the vintage Mickey Mouse bandaids I've been using at my pharmacy not so cool. :(

  12. This reminds me = I still need my 'flu shot, and will use this shamelessly as plug =

    GET YOUR FLU SHOT (*unless medically contraindicated*), and other appropriate vaccines (tetanus should never occur in USA)
    .nuf said.


So wadda you think?