Monday, August 6, 2012

Grumpy Summer vacation, 2012

Since I'm spending the morning frantically looking for plane tickets, my sunglasses, and kids, a special guest blogger has kindly offered to make the traditional announcement for me:

Thank you, Ambassador!


  1. You're just now going on summer vacation? The kids in our area go back to school on Wednesday.

  2. I see no special guest blogger just a bunch of white space?!?

    @Sandra: UK schools only closed for summer holidays two weeks ago.

  3. Our area goes back to school the first week of September. Coincidentally, that's a great time to take a vacation, because all the kids are in school.

  4. +1 million awesomeness points for Babylon 5 reference!!!!!!!!!!

  5. So you're saying that by the end of your vacation, there will be a hole in your mind?

  6. Be safe Grumpyones & Have a great time!

  7. Can't wait for your vacation posts. They are hilariously excellent. Not into sci fi, is that thing a giant snail? It looks like a snail.

    Don't get Babylon 5 or Kosh, but warp speed to you then. Have fun. Take no pages and ditch the cell.

  8. I have been waiting anxiously for Summer Vacation 2012 w/ Ibee and Family. Some of my favorite posts are those of your travels. Those of you new to this site, I urge you to go read entries from past summers; you won't be sorry~Piss in your pants, laugh out loud, funny shit. Just one questions, Doc, did you have to pay extra for Craig's hair products? Safe travels!

  9. Your geek cred just went up a few points for the Kosh clip.

  10. I just finished viewing all five seasons of Babylon 5 on DVD. Yes, I am a geek, and proud of it! Glad to know I'm not the only one here.

    Awesome reference, Grumpy.

    Safe travels and a peaceful vacation to you and yours.

  11. You have made my day with the Koshism. I did not know you were a B5 fan, now I do.

  12. Yea Kosh. The Good Yak Herder's SF credentials have been in good standing for a while. Or at least several posts.

    Enjoy VayKay and don't swallow anything at LegoLand (Yes, I have been reading!

    Thanks for all the fish!(Who gets that one? Grok?)


So wadda you think?