Monday, December 5, 2011

Today's gift idea

We all love ice cream cones, but they're a HUGE hassle. I mean, you have to turn and lick them on all sides, otherwise they drip down and get messy. And this is SUCH A BIG PROBLEM that it hardly seems worth the effort to have a cone.

But not any more!

This remarkable product continues the worldwide trend of eating more calories while expending as few as possible, so someday you too can look like the people in WALL-E. You may now experience the ultimate in human laziness, and never worry about getting ice cream on your sneakers again.


  1. Seems like anyone who would buy this would likely try to eat the cone, too.

  2. The only way do make it lazier is to make it disposable.

  3. But eating the cone is one of the best parts!

  4. I'm with Thomas D. If I didn't want to have the cone, I'd just put the ice cream in a BOWL, which has to be easier to clean than this contraption. I'm sure the ice cream would ooze down into the works.

    WV: matiouse - an artisanal mouse.

  5. What's next?? a motorized gum chewer??

  6. Now I know what to get everybody on my Christmas list

  7. nothing like biting into plastic. My teeth hurt already.

  8. It's NEVER too much effort for ice cream!

  9. Words fail me. I fear for the human race.

  10. My friend had two prosthetic arms - a lot of these daft novelty products would actually have been great for her.

    She would have found this really useful for ice cream, except that she probably would have struggled to push the button to operate it unless the button was modded in some way.

    See also - the self-twirling spaghetti fork and the chip eating hand

  11. Nice, but I'm holding out for the one with a remote.

  12. I would think the ultimate in lazy ice cream eating would be eating it straight from the carton with a plastic spoon. This one you would have to wash, after all, as well as the bowl, scoop, and spoon if you chose to do that.


So wadda you think?