Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Annie's Desk

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Ms. Hallux: "Hi! Does Dr. Grumpy have Youtube at his office?"

Annie: "I guess so. I mean, we have internet access."

Ms. Hallux: "Okay, my toes do this weird shaky thing at night, and my boyfriend filmed them and put them on Youtube. Can your doctor look at them and tell me what it is?"

Annie: "Are you one of our patients?"

Ms. Hallux: "No, why?"

Annie: "To get the doctor's opinion you're going to have to make an appointment and come in."

Ms. Hallux: "I don't need to come in. I don't have time for that. Can't he just look at the video and tell me what it is?"

Annie: "To give an opinion he'd have to see and examine you, and get a history and..."

Ms. Hallux: "Why does every doctor's office tell me that? No wonder nobody can get proper care anymore." (click)


  1. *smacks forehead*


  2. And thus was born Wikidiagnoses, the site where people post descriptions of their ailments and other people tell them what they have and what to do about it.

  3. Send her a photo of a scrip for mirapex.

  4. Even I could diagnose that, it is called Foot Fetish and it affects the boyfriend.

  5. Sounds suspiciously like my customers at work. "Can I just call in my prescription to you now so I don't have to wait for it when I get there?" Are you an MD? "No, I'm just reeeeally busy." Uh no.

  6. I learn so much from Doctor Grumpy. Today's lesson: hallux = big toe.

  7. probably was a prank call

  8. proper care = do what I want, never mind best practices, HIPAA or umpteen years of medical school

  9. What Li'l Azathoth said. Wikidiagnoses would revive the ancient Babylonian practice of lying around in the marketplace and inviting passersby to figure out what's wrong with you.


    wv: bedlylme - how lazy patients want to spend their appointments.

  10. Nor is there enough $$ in the world for you to pay Annie adequately!!

  11. I bet the link Ms. Hallux would have provided was a RickRoll...

  12. Where do people even come up with the idea to do something so stupid?

  13. No, ma'am. You need to go to QuacksRUs.com for that. It's only $9.99 and you get to pick your favorite diagnosis. They'll even mail you a fancy certificate suitable for framing.

  14. Note: Above "QuacksRUs.com" was a site I made up -- turns out it actually exists, but it does NOT issue quack certificates.

  15. Maybe she has something like ALS and will eventually be forced to make an appointment.

  16. Annie should have gotten the YouTube link just for laughs.

  17. For the people who question the validity of this I get on average two phone calls a month from clients who want to email me a picture of their dogs eye, skin, wound, etc to see if they need to come into the ER or if it can wait until morning. I also get people who want me to listen to their dogs coughing or breathing over the phone.

  18. Now...if that had been certain other parts of the anatomy doing weird tricks, I would not be letting Annie make the "you must come in to the office" call for me....but then again, probably would not have made it onto the you-net either.

  19. Sounds like she just didn't want to pay for an appointment. . .

  20. what no youtube and skype appointments? LOL


So wadda you think?