Sunday, May 8, 2011

Playing 20 questions on Sunday morning

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, I'll call in a refill right now. What's your pharmacy's phone number?"

Mr. Callmeonsunday: "I don't know. What is it?"


  1. Is she sure you are her neurologist?

  2. How did you keep from saying "BZZZZ....wrong answer! No refill for you" and hanging up? If you call a doctor on a Sunday for a refill that could have been taken care of during business hours, you better darn well have all the info on hand, plus deliver major treats to the office on Monday!

  3. Sarcasm, Anyone?May 8, 2011 at 3:01 PM

    Whatsamatter Dr. G? Don't you have all your patients' preferred pharmacys and phone numbers memorized by now? You expect them to remember it?

    wv: mulles (what you have to be to carry all that info)

  4. Your blog makes me feel better about having to call my neurologist last week. I had to leave the following message, " This is Trigem. I know I have an appt this month but I can't remember when. Please call me back and let me know when to show up."

    At least I know I am not the only nut out there. I called during regular office hours at least.

  5. "It's the sequence of digits you press on your phone in order to reach them, but that's not important now."

  6. Dialing 436-6859....

    Wrong number. Do you have a different phone number or should I have encoded that ' as 0?

  7. Another reason why I did not go into Neurology. The fact that you said "refill" means you will have to deal with him again.

  8. Hmmm, it wouldn't be the phone number printed on your prescription vial, would it?

  9. Those pharmacy people are complete tricksters. They are just there to fool with you.

  10. It's okay, I get a lot of "Hey, can you call my doctor for a new prescription? I don't know what it's called but it's for my stomach." Then there's the "Can you call my doctor for more refills on my [insert name of non-emergency drug, frequently it's a pain medication]?" around 8PM or near pharmacy closing time when doctor's office is obviously closed.

  11. My doctor has one of these tablet things, I think they are called I Pads, and he tap taps and taps again and the script is electronically transmitted to the pharmacy. He waits, they back check he taps again. I go and pick it up. Just saying.


So wadda you think?