Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hunka hunka burnin' love!

A nurse at Local Hospital is getting married soon, so they had a shower at work for her yesterday. One of the gifts had been left out by the desk where I was writing in a chart, and I glanced it over.

It was a small bottle of "chocolate flavored body paint, for intimate moments". On one side of the bottle it said "before using, light candles for a romantic mood."

On the other side it said "Warning: Flammable. Do not use near open flame."


  1. Right. You might get all melty.

  2. A little second degree burn on your honeymoon won't hurt a bit...no, I do not know of such things..

  3. That is why you light the candle BEFORE using.

  4. Try to set the night on fire.....

  5. Not even married, and the mixed signals are starting already.

  6. It probably has some alcohol in it as a quick-drying component.

    The need to say "don't use near open flame" is probably a catch-all labeling requirement, dictated by our too-careful government.

    If the gov't had its way, wine and scotch would be labeled "don't drink at candlelight dinners".

  7. Put the candle in some sort of enclosure or just get rid of the lawyers.

  8. It puts the lotion on its skin, or...

  9. you know that it would be untrue....

  10. I thought first of the Biblical image of the Burning Bush and then of the song Great Balls of Fire. Neither image is what I'd want on a honeymoon.

  11. Reminds me of the iron I bought that warned, verbatim, "do not iron clothes while they are on the body." But I'm in a hurry!


So wadda you think?