Sunday, May 15, 2011


This weekend Craig had to read a chapter on world hunger, and answer a few questions on it.

So I was checking to make sure he'd done it, and encountered this:

"What are some causes of world hunger?"

He'd written: "In those countries they don't have stuff like pizza and hamburgers. They only eat gross food, and who wants that?"


  1. Grumpy, I often wonder about your patients.

    But now I'm starting to worry about your kids too!
    (Although he does appear to have a fine grasp on the use of irony and puns. Perhaps a career in the comedic arts?)

  2. That's cute. I tell ya kids have it all figured out.

  3. Yes. Heaven forbid people eat REAL vegetables when McDonalds and KFC are everywhere.

  4. He's obviously filled with the soul of Sam Kinison -- does he scream a lot for no reason? -- who used to say that all those people who lived in famine areas should just MOVE TO WHERE THE FOOD IS!!!

  5. You'd better read that chapter on world hunger yourself, find out what the hell they're teaching your kid.
    In the meantime, I thought you'd enjoy this.

  6. I think Craig has it right. If it ain't artisanal, it ain't worth it.

  7. the kid is a flaming genius, what are you feeding him??

  8. Ah, the starving children of Europe ......of my youth have not disappeared.

  9. And he's e son of a doctor? There is no hope for the rest of the generation! Lol thanks for your great blog, it makes me laugh everyday!

  10. Ha! He's RIGHT! But....I think he may have missed something important in that chapter.


So wadda you think?