Friday, May 20, 2011

And I feel fine...

If the world does end, I guess I'll be going to hell. So like I told Mary and Annie, I'll see them at the office on Monday no matter what happens.


  1. ha ha ha ha .. I love green day. and I love your blog! Thanks for the multiple smiles....

  2. I keep asking, if it ends 5/21, is it at 6 a.m.? at 11 p.m.? EST? PST? The entire world? Other universes? Other galaxies? It's all instantaneous? I need more details.

  3. Wow. I didn't remember that they had filmed the video in Frank's room.

  4. hasnt ended here yet, mind you by the state of my two teenagers rooms you would think so! must be a gen y thing.

  5. Before things end, I wanted to share my own Dragon Dictate sighting: patient's had the condition for a year and a half, not a "urine half."

  6. Great minds think alike! That is the FIRST thing I thought of this week when I heard some quack was predicting a "rapture" for Saturday.

    Hey, I'd be happy to be wrong on this - it would open up lots of job opportunities for ME, and would reduce the number of irrational patients you have to see Dr. G!

  7. It's supposed to be 6pm local time. So, 6pm wherever you are. It's already 10:00pm in Sydney Australia. Hmmm. Either way, I'm having a party tonight!

  8. Green Day? But, but, but...this is REM.

  9. I am so glad I saw this. I had a stupid song from Rocky Horror Picture Show stuck in my head. REM is MUCH better.

    I can't believe so many people quit their jobs and emptied bank accounts because of some nutjob! He should run for president!

  10. C, it's 6 pm. Each time zone will be magically affected in the order which the call was received. Odd places like Indiana and Arizona, who have turned their backs on Daylight Savings Time, will experience the lack of that extra hour of daylight promised by Mr. Roosevelt (who's gonna save us all).
    If you think you have reached this number in error...

  11. I remember this stupid song was the theme of our high school yearbook. Every goddamn pae said "it's the end of the world as we know it...."
    Honey, if leaving the highschool in this craphole podunk town is the "end of the world" for you I suddenly have a blindingly clear insight as to why I never got along with you people.

  12. Let's not forget "Stairway to Heaven" :)

  13. OK, it's 9:19 pm, and while I have not checked on the WHOLE world, I still seem to be here....where ever here is. Did the world end and leave me behind? Are you all just figments of my imagination and memory?

  14. The pizza delivery man arrived at our door at exactly 6:00 pm of the 21st in New Zealand. That post-apocalyptic pizza was great.

  15. I had a different song going for the "Rapture"

  16. What made you think Mary and Annie would be going to hell too?


So wadda you think?