Friday, April 29, 2011

Crime in America

Words fail me.

Just read it.

Thank you, Deborah!


  1. You have to love that a guy in a cow suit was going around a Walmart, on all fours, and nobody there saw anything unusual in this.

  2. If this isn't a sign of the desperation of these times I don't know what is. There are a lot of things to steal in Wal Mart, but when people are stealing basic foods, I think America and Americans should re-evaluate who they call 3rd world.

  3. Does not compute. 26 gallons of milk at 8+ lbs. a gallon = 208 lbs. so the guy hid 208 lbs of milk in his costume???

  4. @ The Sornton Man:

    It was Walmart, not Bloomingdales or Albertsons...

    you know, the same place that has a 70 year old woman wearing pants pulled up over the boobage (no shirt, no bra) and buying groceries...

    you know, the same place that has "Touch This" on the back ass end of a heavy set woman with plumber's crack showing...

    not sure why anyone would think this is out of the norm for Walmart...

  5. I bet this guy needs a neurologist...just say'in...

  6. Errrg, this happened right down the street from where I live... I would just like to say that not all of us are like this. I find it surprising, Stafford isn't a cheap place to live. I assume this was some kid in high school having fun and going to jail for it.


So wadda you think?