Monday, September 6, 2010

Tips from Dr. Grumpy

I'm spending this holiday weekend being abused by my kids AND evil archenemy (the Wii Fit trainer). So to keep you guys entertained until I return to my desk, I'm providing awareness of important news stories (this and the previous post).

Obviously, if you're a veteran of huffing paint/glue/whatever, I don't expect you to still have all brain cells working.

BUT here's a tip: walking around with the lower half of your face spray-painted a lovely shade of metallic gold, like this guy, WILL NOT help you blend in with a crowd (at least most crowds).

I'd like to thank my reader Kayden for submitting this.


  1. just one too many hits to the head...

  2. isnt it 0 dark oclock in your part of the world, do you sleep or have you got some neuronal disorder??!!

  3. Gah!

    The only experience I've had with paint huffers was a dude we were intubating once in the ED...he vomited up copious amounts of black paint all over everyone and everything (including his own lungs when he aspirated). He survived but none of our scrubs did.

    Seriously nasty. And sad really.

  4. I heard gold gives the best buzz...


  5. "I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. And this is my counterpart R2D2."

  6. "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold."

  7. West Virginia? Can't they catch a break with all these incest jokes and stupid people tricks?

    That reminds me of a joke. What do they do on Halloween in West Virginia?
    Pump Kin.

    Ba Domp!

  8. He's been huffing paint for at least 5 years. I wonder how long a person can keep doing that until he dies.

  9. At the risk of sounding like a bleeding heart, constantly rearressting this guy does NOT seem to be changing his problem behaviour. Isn't it about time he got some HELP?


So wadda you think?