Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The joys of search engines

A doctor in my area died last week. Dr. Pissy and I were wondering what happened, so I typed his name into a search engine.

These were the first 3 links that came up:

1. Read the obituary for Dr. Unusualname.

2. Sign the online memorial book for Dr. Unusualname.

3. Make an appointment to see Dr. Unusualname.


  1. so where exactly would a consultation with Dr Unusualname be held now? :D

  2. Great, just what the world needs, more undead doctors.

  3. In WoW, I do play an undead holy priest...so I'm not a doctor per se, but I do heal people. (Or their characters anyway heh)

  4. Thats one appointment that I would not want to keep.

    Of course it could have been the funeral home trying out their new online viewing and visitation scheduling system.

  5. Practical answer:
    You went to a search engine, you didn't call 411. Search engines maintain a database of things found across the web. Of course the results are going to include information on making an appointment with a recently deceased doctor, it's not like they get some automatic update telling them to take that stuff out of the database.

    Actual answer you wanted to hear:
    Very funny, Doctor Smartass.


  6. What really freaks me out is when I get Facebook reminders to "get back in touch" with people who are dead...
    What freaks me out even more is when I see that they are online....

  7. SBG, you mean the Great Pastafari reaches forth wind his noodly appendage and transports us to the Great Chatroom in the Sky?

  8. Anon....yes, yes I think that's it. I was in there one day talking to my fellow pastafarians, Riga Toni and Capa Leeni.. and we were all like... wow.. like you know? and then we said, like wow... it was so, like awesome, ya know?

  9. Hey, as long as his prescription pad still has pages, I'm there...

  10. Oh man! I don't want to know what the waiting time will be! ;-)

  11. Considering that when we moved our office it took us a full six months to get Google to change our address in their engines, I imagine Dr. Usualname will be receiving patients in cyberspace for some time to come.


So wadda you think?