Monday, September 13, 2010


While I was at the hospital yesterday, I stopped in to read some EEG's. The studies always have a cover sheet attached, giving me a brief patient history. One had this on it's paperwork:

"Indication: Patient has spells of "tripping out" when he drinks heavily and smokes marijuana. Dr. Local ordered the study to make sure they aren't seizures."


  1. So, Dr. Local had never participated in either of those two drugs. Obviously! Talk about waste of healthcare dollars!

  2. Oy vey... but if he hadn't ordered testing and something dire happened to the patient at a later time, you can bet your bottom dollar someone would be filing a lawsuit.

    Bleah :(

  3. Dr. G, I have blackouts when I bash myself in the head with a hammer. Should I have an EEG, too?

  4. I've been ataxic when really tired. Someone needs to scan my brain and check my b12 or methylmalonic acid!!

  5. *Bangs head on desk*

    Drunk/high makes most people "trip out". Didn't they all get that memo?

  6. Send local Doc and patient over to Ms. Lynette. Dr. Grumpy might not be able to give them an education, but I can. We'll laugh so hard over their ignorance that everyone will "trip out", first. Then I'll set 'em straight.

  7. Just what might constitute 'tripping out', then, if seizures are not ruled out with an obligatory EEG? Observation of purple instead of pink elephants?

  8. So I assume he has to get hammered and stoned before the EEG, so you can see what's going on, right?

  9. Great use of health care dollars.

  10. "Dr. Local is considering initiation of a business relationship with patient's dealer, but suspects that dealer provides clients with inferior merchandise. Dr. Local wishes to eliminate this possibility before moving forward."

  11. so with the new health care reform ... this sure wastes my tax dollars
    word verification: comabl - what the patient will be after he gets his bill when insurance kicks it back


So wadda you think?