Thursday, May 27, 2010

Department of Redundant Radiology Department

This report crossed my desk yesterday.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Studies show that things are shown by studies.

    WV prost,skoal!

  2. Well, they work better that way than when you do them with contrast. Duh, Dr. Grumpy.

  3. Maybe that means there was contrast? Double negative?

  4. Okay, you laugh, but the last time my neuro sent me for a scan without contrast, the tech asked me five times if I had ever had a reaction to contrast.

    And I reminded her, five times, no contrast.

    There are two things where repetitive redundancy ain't so bad--known allergies and blood transfusions.

  5. Wow to the x-ray tech who might get some of that radioactive stuff involved...

  6. LOL!! I've seen that written a couple of times!!! Silly people...


  7. Is this from Podunk General? That's where I had mine done, I had gone to the largest city in Alaska for aa appointment and had my MRI done back at home. There was a big difference in the amount of professionalism. I kept telling them what the order said and they kept telling me I would do whatever they said I had to do. They were a little different after they finally read the order and the Doctor's name and what they were supposed to be looking for. Bunch of dumb donkeys.

  8. ?the radiologists passive-aggressive way of saying you should have ordered contrast?$?

  9. AKA the redundancy department of radiology redundancy...


So wadda you think?