Friday, August 14, 2009

No, Thank You

Mr. Gagmewithaspoon, while I understand that the abscess on your scrotum, which you saw a dermatologist for this morning, is of great concern to you, it is not why you are seeing me, your friendly neurologist.

So when I asked you how your carpal tunnel syndrome is doing, there was no reason to drop your pants. Especially since the door to my office was open, as I hadn't expected you to do something like that. Neither did the rest of my staff, though you may have unintentionally helped their diet plan.

So kindly pull them up, put your inflatable donut cushion on the chair, and tell me how your carpal tunnel syndrome is doing.


  1. Maybe he thought it was referred pain.

    On second thought, what repetitive movement was he doing to get the carpal tunnel syndrome?

    Actually, I'd rather not know.

  2. Good point.

    Fortunately, those suffering from auto-erotic repetitive motion injuries are usually kind enough to lie nd just tell me they were typing too much.

    Because I don't want to know, either.

  3. scrotum abscess....say no more, I will never become a dermatologist!

  4. Well written. You had me cracking up.

  5. Well, if they ever have a subspecialty/residency for pharmacists in dermatology, that's an automatic one that I'm striking off my list. And seeing as to how you fare with your patients, Dr. Grumpy, neurology is getting lower and lower :-P

    Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine residencies are looking a lot better after reading this!

  6. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ...
    I just stumbled upon your blog...awesome writing. Keep the laughs coming!

  7. OMG! I'm crying I'm laughing so hard at the mental image!

  8. Maybe he thought that carpal tunnel could spread to other flexible "bone" joints in his body? Or maybe he was just happy to see you?

  9. Wow. Who knew that could cause carpal tunnel syndrome AND and abscess?!?

  10. People love getting naked in front of us, don't they? The only time they don't want to take off their pants is when I really need to examine them in that area!


So wadda you think?