Monday, August 19, 2024

Resistance is futile

Dr. Grumpy: "So let's work on that MRI... What dates, or days of the week, work best for you to have the study?

Ms. Dixon: I'm not sure yet, I need to make a call."

Dr. Grumpy: "That's fine, just call back after you know what days work with your job to get this done."

Ms. Dixon: "Actually, I need to call my astrologer."

Dr. Grumpy: "Your astrologer..."

Ms. Dixon: "I don't want to have it done at a time when the planets are in the wrong position to affect the results, you know what I mean?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Uh..."

Ms. Dixon: "I mean, if Mercury is in retrograde that can screw up the machine's magnetic field, right?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Actually..."

Ms. Dixon: "She knows a lot about this stuff, she went to a special school or something like that."


  1. Don't the MRI's signal processing algorithms already take this into account?

  2. Oh, so THAT'S how fucking magnets work.

    1. The nation that controls magnetism shall control the universe (Diet Smith discusses the space coupe in old Dick Tracy comic strip)

  3. But is she in-network?

  4. This gives me flashbacks to Regan.

  5. While on vacation I went to a bookstore that was close to the hotel where I stayed. The bookstore was geared to metaphysics, astrology, et that type of cetera, which is all stuff I don't believe in, but there were also a few shelves of mystery novels, which is why I went back. While there I got to chatting with the lady who ran the place, and she told me, "You seem so familiar to me! Did we meet in another lifetime?" I told her, "I came by here last year when I stayed at the hotel." She said, "No, I'm sure we met in a previous lifetime-" and off she went. I don't think I ever convinced her that she remembered me just because I visited her store in the past, not because we'd known each other in a past life.

  6. I'm sure it was a very "special" school that she went to.

  7. Wait, didn't Low Cost Radiology block you guys after they mistook you for a phishing scam?

  8. No lie, I made 4;appointments to get MRI done, each time they called to reschedule because the machine was not working, now I thought that was strange

  9. Belief wins over science way too often. People are nuts.

    1. Very true, but just as true in "science" as in other areas. Scientists are human and their findings often reflect what they want to believe rather than inconvenient facts. Hence the replication crisis, among other things.

    2. You're right...too many people believe that people are nuts, so they are. Sigh. Beliefs are hard to change so we're stuck with all the nuts. Where's the squirrels to deal with them?

  10. Homeopaths start believing in allopathic (ie real) medicine when they start coughing up/passing blood. Otherwise, its evolution in action.

  11. "We are the Borg of Dyslexia. Fusistance is retile! Your arse will be laminated!"

  12. Egilius van GeneverAugust 23, 2024 at 5:17 PM

    "Of course, to be sure my phone dials her number correctly, I'll have to wait for the cusp of Aries and Taurus."

  13. Director, Kitt Peak ObservatoryAugust 25, 2024 at 12:33 AM

    We threw out all of our expensive telescopes, and now we make all of our discoveries by measuring the field fluctuations in a 75 cent refrigerator magnet.


So wadda you think?