Monday, August 5, 2024

Current status

Sir, if you don't stop tapping "Rock Lobster" out on my desk with your horribly untrimmed fingernails I am going to have to kill you with a Trömner.


  1. Good thing you came back when you did, I was very close to inviting your readers to come over to my blog if they wanted something to read. Not nearly as amusing and kind of slimy on my part. Welcome back

  2. My husband says: “I’m not grumpy. I’m just old and I know how stuff should be done.”

  3. I knew I wasn’t going back to proper medicine from the lab bench when I gave my Queen’s Square hammer to a med student and my opthalmoscope to a vet med student. I think I still have a stethoscope somewhere…

  4. Does he make the shrieking noises?


So wadda you think?