The captain hoped they would soon get out of the squall. His crew was being lashed by the cold driving sleet. All his hands were getting numb and nauseous and the Dramamine supply was low. The ships medic made light of the condition of the men. The Captain thought himself to be cursed with one improbable situation after another.
Only slightly more accurate than "All your base are belong to us."
ReplyDeleteAll three of his hands? Sounds serious.
ReplyDeleteThat's the danger of becoming too emotionally dependent on your romantic partners.
ReplyDeletePatient was advised to switch to collecting something more mainstream, like stamps.
ReplyDeleteI hold your hand in mine, dear.
ReplyDeleteI press it to my lips.
The captain hoped they would soon get out of the squall. His crew was being lashed by the cold driving sleet. All his hands were getting numb and nauseous and the Dramamine supply was low. The ships medic made light of the condition of the men.
ReplyDeleteThe Captain thought himself to be cursed with one improbable situation after another.
All hands on deck!