Monday, May 22, 2023

Life in these United States

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Hatt: "Hi, I need to make an appointment with Dr. Grumpy."

Mary: "Okay... Sorry, we've gotten a lot of calls the last few days... our next opening for a new patient is in 2 weeks, on..."

Mr. Hatt: "TWO WEEKS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's ridiculous!"

Mary: "I'm sorry, it's just been crazy this week. If you'd like I can make you an appointment and put you on a waiting list if anyone cancels?"

Mr. Hatt: "So how many of those people with appointments ahead of me are illegal immigrants?"

Mary: "Excuse me?"

Mr. Hatt: "I know you people give preferential treatment to illegals instead of real citizens. It's all over the news. So how many illegals are on your schedule ahead of me?"

Mary: "Sir, I don't know if any of them are, and I schedule people as they call in and the calendar fills up. There is no preferential treatment."

Mr. Hatt: "Oh, bullshit. I'm not that stupid. I bet I could call the DHS and they'd clear out your lobby in a heartbeat. Actually, they probably wouldn't, since they favor them, too."

Mary: "Okay, I'm going to hang up the phone now."

Mr. Hatt: "So you're an illegal, too? Figures."



  1. Give Mary a raise . . a big raise.

  2. Neurology is all a big scam anyway. George Soros and the deep state don't want you to know this, but you can cure all your neurological ailments without having to see one of those corrupt useless doctors, just by drinking a 5.25% solution of sodium hypochlorite.

  3. 2 weeks? I wish I could get into my established doc within 2 weeks!

  4. This guy sounds like he needs his head examined.

  5. He doesn't need a neurologist; he needs a psychiatrist!!

  6. Yeah, appointment in two weeks is long?!?!

    And the treatment is simple: Unplug from Faux Noise and associates.

  7. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.
    Agree that Mary deserves another raise.

  8. Two weeks? I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in 2 months!

  9. Wait didn’t he just cancel, can I have his appointment?

  10. I know you are good, Dr. G. but I am sure you (and Mary) know by now that you can't fix crazy. Or entitled.

  11. His last name might be hatt, but his first name is definitely Ass. :)

  12. How to say "I binge Fox/Newsmax" without saying it.


So wadda you think?