Monday, November 9, 2020

Sunday, 3:47 p.m. voicemail

"Hi, this is Mr. Foggy. I need to cancel my appointment with Dr. Grumpy for this week. It's, uh, one of the days this week. Actually, maybe it's next week, or the week after that... I'm sure it's sometime this month. Anyway, can someone please call me back and tell me when my appointment is so I can cancel it?"


  1. Aside from sex, this is me sometimes.

  2. At least the call came at 3:47 pm instead of 3:47 am.

  3. I’m impressed since I probably wouldn’t have remembered I even had an appointment.

  4. At least it wasn't 3:47 AM!

  5. I commit all my appointments to memory, court appearances, real estate closings, doctor appointments, birthdays , anniversary , all of it and deadlines. I have a phenomenal ability to remember. But damn I can’t remember a movie worth a damn, or tv show. I remember everything I read but no song lyrics . If I drove to a location once 30 years ago and I was told to drive there today , I would Remembeer the route, but I can’t Remeber a single teacher or professor. I think much has to do with how one prioritizes. Appointments are my life, not so the lord of the rings trilogy

  6. knows he does not want to see you


So wadda you think?