Saturday, October 24, 2020

Medical news

Journal headline writers apparently are now paid by the word:


  1. So, what was it about?

    Using high-octane in that cheap BMW, or fuel-injection versus standard carburetors?

  2. So do the title length for the journal articles relating to your medical condition inversely correlate to your prognosis (i.e. the longer the title, the shorter your expected lifespan)?

  3. 11 pages with lots of graphs and statistics, 33 references and this was the conclusion; “ Among critically ill patients with acute kidney injury receiving continuous kidney replacement therapy, anticoagulation with regional citrate, compared with systemic heparin anti- coagulation, resulted in significantly longer filter life span. The trial was terminated early and was therefore underpowered to reach conclusions about the effect of anticoagulation strategy on mortality”. I’m surprised it was published in a general medical journal like JAMA. A more specialist journal might have been more appropriate...

  4. The next Harry Potter book?

  5. I can only imagine the massive number of footnotes!

  6. Thought the footnotes were in the Podiatrists Journal?

    Sorry - it was just hanging there and I had to do it.

  7. too many variables and sorry but if I were dying of kidney disease and
    you were mostly interested in whether my meds were impacting the life of the filter in the dialysis machine, I would feel used... or pissed? (oops, guess I could not resist either)


So wadda you think?