Saturday, April 11, 2020

Strange substitutions

No idea how the store's shopping software thought these were equivalent, but here ya go:

Thank you, H!


  1. Each of the lower ads contain the letters to spell "chips". There you go.

  2. At least the suggestions were the same category: food. Whereas today my suggested replacement for 2 ply toilet paper was whole almonds.
    I don't want to know why.

  3. What - not artisanal?

  4. I see the issue. He forgot to turn of the “nagging mother” filter. It is the equivalent to a mom saying, “What? More chips? You think you need to eat more chips right now? Instead of junk food, why don’t you try some protein for a change? It’s good for you. Look here’s some you don’t even have to cook. You’ll thank me later.”

  5. Tuna and salsa with beer by the TV. Heaven.

  6. You obviously forgot the old advertising campaign: tuna, the chicken of the sea!

  7. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same ...

  8. I could have saved a lot of money with a substitution at Kroger a while back if I'd accepted it. I wanted saline nasal rinse (a fairly big bottle, I think 60 mL). They wanted to give me -- AT THE SAME PRICE -- OTC Flonase, enough bottles to total 60 mL. That would have been about $90 worth of medicine for about $5. But it wasn't what I wanted...

  9. LOL, And I thought that substituting salsa for spaghetti sauce was bad. Interesting days, these.


So wadda you think?