Thursday, February 27, 2020

Quote of the day

"I am not a hypochondriac. I am being proactive about my health. Back to my list, item 27..."


  1. You must have the patience of Job, Dr Grumpy.

  2. My late MIL was another one--a hypochondriac who generally refused to admit it. In one rare moment of doubt, she asked me, "You don't think I'm a hypochondriac, do you?" I had the good sense to mumble something polite and change the subject, but what I really wanted to say was "Heck, no, Mom. You've got DSM-IV hypochondriasis." (She lived to be almost 93, and my SIL said that her epitaph should be "I told you I was sick!")

  3. "And depression is a very serious matter, which is why the first 70 items on my list are all different types of adult content."

  4. Maybe not a hypochondriac if it's been 27 years since seeing a doc. But I doubt all things were neurological in origin.

  5. One problem can spawn a lot of symptoms. If we treat the symptoms alone, the problems are going to start piling up. People get labeled hypochondriacs and we stop listening to them instead of looking for root of the problem. This can go on for years. So it's a funny joke only if the person really is a hypochondriac and not an undiagnosed core issue.


So wadda you think?