Thursday, February 6, 2020

I wish it was that simple

Seen in a chart section on improving patient medication compliance. The spelling error and bad grammar only make it worse.


  1. The note was right! The patient is indeed a complaint.

    One of the great mysteries of life. One consults an expert, hears his advice, even purchases the means of implementation, and then does nothing. Perversity, personified.

    Comply, or comply not. There is no try.

  2. sounds like the same, typical, bad Mandarin translation of almost every product on Amazon.

  3. So, you had a complaint about the chart. Were you encouraged to complain?

  4. There are some languages in this world that seem to play Yahtzee with the American English sentence constructs. There are some languages that seem to use few, but quite meaningful words for communication. There are some languages that line up the verbs ahead of the nouns so it's easier to understand what to do first. But, try to put the somewhat arbitrary arrangement of words in the English language into a word processor, and it ends up like gibberish, or as I like to imagine, how I took notes in Philosophy 101. After the mind-numbing lectures, when tried to decipher my notes, I couldn't make head nor tails of my them.

  5. To be complaint or not to be complaint, that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous ailment
    Or to take medications against a sea of symptoms and, by dosing, end them.

  6. What happened to the additional links you used to have on the side of your page?

  7. How did you get my file?

  8. Animal Lover - I accidentally deleted them and haven't had time to figure out how to put them back.


So wadda you think?