Wednesday, August 15, 2018


In the mid-80's I had a medical school interview in Chicago. It ran over and finished about 45 minutes before my flight home. And the drive to the airport was around 45-60 minutes.

I went out and hailed a cab. The driver was a dude with a scruffy beard. I climbed in and asked him if he’d be able to get me there on time.

He looked at me in the rear-view mirror and said “do you mind if I smoke?”

I said no.

He lit a cigarette, mumbled “fuck” then yelled “HANG ON!” and slammed on the pedal.

I discovered my seatbelt didn’t work, but just kept my mouth shut.

I made my flight.

I gave him a good tip.


  1. It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank a gas, half a pack a cigarettes. It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses...
    Hit It!

  2. Also... I once had a dog named Elwood

  3. They had Uber in Chicago in the 1980s.


  4. Elwood: We'll be all right if we can just get back on the expressway.
    Jake: This don't look like no expressway to me, pal.
    Elwood: Don't yell at me.
    Jake: Well whadda you want me to do, Motorhead?
    Elwood: Why da ya gotta be so negative all the time? Why can't ya offer some... constructive criticism?
    Jake: You got us into to this parking lot, pal, so YOU get us out.
    Elwood: You want outta this parking lot?... O.K.

  5. did you change your undies when you arrived the airport?

  6. Drive it like you stole it.


So wadda you think?