Thursday, May 17, 2018


As the school year begins wrapping up, we're moving into the next phase of the Wingnut High School marching band schedule: preparing for next season's football halftime show.

Yeah, you read that right. The next high school football season starts in 3-4 months, and so the twins and their friends are already working on the show.

So yesterday a flyer was sent home with the twins, listing all the stuff. Band camp dates. Meetings over the summer to start working on props. The theme of the show. Where to find the music to practice. Marching formations. Color guard maneuvers. Incoming freshmen orientation. Yadda yadda yadda.

About halfway down the page Mrs. Grumpy and I were surprised to find a paragraph that said “Practice marching sessions for the new steps and formations will be June 19, 25, and 29, July 7, 14, and 22, and August 12, 18, and 22. These will be held at Craig Grumpy’s house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your own water bottle. Lunch will be provided.”



  1. Maybe they meant to send that notice home about 7 weeks ago? Maybe on April 1st?

  2. "The Marines are looking for a few good men." Just sayin'...

  3. Will he be grounded till he is 25?

  4. Oh boy! That gave me a good chuckle. Never turn your back on the twins. LOL

  5. It could have been a ploy by his sister and she may have just submitted his name instead of hers...clever girl? XD

  6. I note the time on the post - 4:00 AM - and the content, which would very likely give me a personal medical emergency were I directly involved with any of this.

    This is why I declined med school and marriage, in that order.

    You're a better man than I, Grump.

  7. So, what sort of lunch did Craig have in mind?

  8. I.Keep.Falling.Out.Of.My.Chair I am laughing so hard.

    Craig, Rwanda is *probably* far enough.

  9. Reply to Anon at 12:38 PM - An artisanal lunch of course.

  10. Anon at 12:38pm

    Yeah, me too. Trying to decide if I should RSVP.

  11. Are we talking 4 band members or 400? You must have a large yard. Pizza for all!

  12. Do you have a big enough yard to hold a full marching band?

  13. If he's that generous, you might give him too much allowance. Or he is working hard so he can offer lunch to his fellow group members.
    Or is he seriously expecting you to arrange lunch...?

  14. I hope you have yard lines marked in the grass and have warned the neighbors.

  15. Did the band director really put that on the schedule with out speaking directly to an adult?

  16. Oh, my goodness :O
    Four years is a long time to have to deal with a teacher this clueless. I'm envisioning a letter: Dear Principal - There appears to be a communication problem in the band department that we're hoping you can address. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that the band director has decided to hold summer marching band practices at our home. We believe that we should have been consulted before such a decision was reached. We don't know where band practice will be this summer, but it will not be at our home and we will not be providing lunch for anyone other than our own children. cc:band director.

  17. This reminds me of when my daughter volunteered me to make latkes for her entire middle school class. I think Craig is going to be dipping into his own funds to provide that lunch and to pay for repair to your lawn. Must be a big lawn.

  18. This reminds me of when my daughter volunteered me to make latkes for her entire middle school class. I think Craig is going to be dipping into his own funds to provide that lunch and to pay for repair to your lawn. Must be a big lawn.

  19. Astrolabe SilverwaxMay 17, 2018 at 11:19 PM

    "Please specify if you prefer red wine or white."

  20. So that the kids in the youth symphony had refreshment mid-rehearsal, one of the mothers devised a schedule to take turns providing snacks for fifty kids.

    I was into 'healthy' so the first time it was apples, carrot and celery sticks. Hmm.

    So, the next time it was those individually bagged chips. Mothers outdoing themselves with packaged Oreos and chocolate chip cookies, and, so this went on for the first half of the concert season.

    It was getting a little ridiculous, and coming up with the goodies on a Wednesday night, when inevitably I was super-busy at work. It may have been less of a challenge to those that didn't mind spending $50 on snacks or ... .

    Well, then, the next time, I decided to make it my last hurrah, and made Knox Blox --using gelatin molds in the shapes of saxophones, violins, tubas, etc. Except, I've never made Jell-O brand boxed gelatin in my life. (Nor, have my kids enjoyed the Kool-Ade treats of my youth... )

    My version of Knox Blox involves fruit juice, plain gelatin powder, and fruit yogurt. And, this time, I had blackberry yogurt. All that hard work when to nought, when I picked my son up after practice and he informed me the other kids weren't too excited about the little black things in their treats. The next week, the leader of the mothers announced that the children would be bringing whatever snacks they wished to enjoy during rehearsal. And, that was that.

  21. It says "lunch will be provided," but it doesn't specify by whom. Or to whom.

  22. Diet Coke and tomatoes will be provided for lunch

  23. I think Craig is going to learn to be a short-order cook. And, yes, I'd make him prepare the lunches.

  24. This was the best ever. Immediate laughter for the day

  25. Was Craig worried that he would lose his popularity over the summer?
    I'd be having a meeting with the principal and and Mrs. Grumpy and Craig, soonest. A school nurse can put the fear of God into her kid AND the band director, and the principal will know that she means business!
    The athletic director will have to find time for band practice ON the foot ball field.
    Bet the band director sorta chickened out when confronted by the chief least, that's how it goes in junior high and high school........

  26. I forgot to ask what adult beverages are served with lunch ? Still laughing

  27. I'm hoping you'll report the resolution of this impasse in a future post. Clearly, we'd all love to know.

  28. My son just graduated HS this May and it was our last Marching Band and Indoor Drumline year. I've had parties scheduled at my home and told of them the night before at midnight. Yup! SMH. However, I've never had a better bunch of kids in my home. I will truly miss my band kids. Good Luck, Doc.


So wadda you think?