Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Holiday gift guide, 2017

How many times have you said, or wanted to say, "I don't give a shit." ?

Yeah, if you're anything like me, you've lost count.

But now you CAN give a shit! A nice, big, bucket of it!

This educational product contains not 1, not 2, not 3, but 13 different replicas of shit from commonly encountered critters of the North American wilderness.

That's right, folks, you get: cougar, striped skunk, opossum, domestic dog, cottontail rabbit, gray fox, white tailed deer, turkey, black bear, bobcat, elk, and coyote.

So the next time you want to tell someone you don't give a shit, you can nicely tell them you do, and even offer them their choice.


  1. I thought this was a run-of-the-mill bucket o' poo, until I saw the elusive domestic dog shit. I've yet to encounter it on my nature hikes, a model will be such a convenient reference!

  2. When someone tells me that they don't give a shit, I offer propylene glycol and high fiber diets!

  3. I wonder if this is for some kind of educational purpose. Zookeepers, park rangers, etc that might need to be able to track and identify different animals?

    I'm desperate to find a logical explanation somewhere....

  4. I wonder if they offer this in milk chocolate, because I'm evil.

  5. Break me offal a piece of that Scit Scat bar

  6. When I went to the Grand Canyon several years ago, they had a book called something like "Who pooped here". It was a legitimate book about different types of scat that could be found in the park. I still regret that I didn't buy it.

  7. LOL requiring Kleenex as usual, for both the original post and the comments. Packer, I think you win.

  8. Perfect for the gastroenterologist who has everything.

  9. You do all know about the Bristol Stool Chart? With cake recipes?

  10. OMG! My sons would LOVE this!!!!

  11. crap, I think from the picture, that I am a bear!


So wadda you think?