Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Dr. Grumpy: "Good morning, have a seat on the exam table. Have you ever had an EMG before?"

Mr. Acetaldehyde: "Holy crap doc, you don't need to talk so loud. I'm not deaf, I swear."

Dr. Grumpy: "Sorry, didn't realize I was. Can you take off your sunglasses?"

Mr. Acetaldehyde: "Yeah, but can you turn off the lights? They're really bright."

Dr. Grumpy: "Just keep them on, then. I can't do the test in the dark. Are you okay?"

Mr. Acetaldehyde: "I'm really hung over. I went to the Lümbær Pünkture concert last night and got totally shitfaced."

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you..."

Mr. Acetaldehyde: "Hey, can you bring that trash can over here? I think I'm..."


  1. Chuckling out loud at your wonderful picture.

  2. I hope you billed him for the trash can liner and for the disposal fee of hazardous waste.

  3. No need to ask doc, I already did.

  4. I'm wondering if that's a test you can run accurately if the person has a significant amount of ethanol in their system.

  5. Tarquin "R.J." Toffeebridge VOctober 5, 2017 at 11:54 AM

    "I might have done some EMG shots last night. What's in them?"

  6. Asking the same question as Ms. Gomez -- will the ethanol or the hangover make a difference in the readings?

  7. I don't think I can bear it doc.

  8. "What? It's not like I'm using the recycling bin."

  9. "Hey, I got hammered last night and now I'm going to get hammered again! Get it? You know, because you're a neurologist and you guys use those little hammers...oh, never mind."

  10. "You know what's funny? Last night I got trashed, and now my breakfast is about to get trashed. Get it? Oh, never mind."

  11. "Oh, and you know that fish you have in your waiting room? You don't need to feed him today."

  12. Hmm. I seem to recall an episode of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman where she used therapeutic whiskey prior to a procedure, dental extraction, maybe.

    Though if recalling alcohol metabolism pathways correctly, there is seizure risk if suddenly stopping the booze prior to procedure if there is a long-standing history of too many of high-ethanol bouts, and I recall the heart surgeon consulting pharmacy for a drip rate when starting a patient on a diluted ethanol infusion prior to emergency open heart operation a few decades back.

    However, we're talking alcohol poisoning here. Bane of college initiation rituals. People die during those without natural stop-gap measures (retching, discomfort, vomiting).


So wadda you think?